Conversation Between cookiesamilk and Digit.
Showing Visitor Messages 2031 to 2040 of 2793
Hold your hand
and give you a hug
There's something I really want to do
I'll be safe tonight. I promise.
Your one of the most special people i've ever met
and your gonna do great things
your also gonna get through this
I know you really care about me. There's no question. So thank you.
Like I said i've never met anyone like you
and I might not again
you make me smile,laugh,feel happy
but most of all you make me feel like someone really cares about me
and I want you to feel the same way
You're a great friend, Jason.
I am a very honest person so believe me when I tell you that I feel privileged and blessed to be your friend
and I know we might not keep in touch forever but if we did i'd be the luckiest guy in the world