Conversation Between Claire and Lozzaa
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The equipment will make things easier... a neater eater? But it hard since i see him deteriorating. He used to be able to walk, now in a w/chair, used to be able to lift his arms.. now he cant etc. etc. Yeah i guess it always affects the people around them, rather than them themself. My brother is happy. I guess thats the main thing, he doesnt see anything wrong.
Isn't it good he's getting new equipment? What is it he's got, if you don't mind me asking?
Milo's a happy boy, it affects me more than him. He doesn't know theres anything wrong with him. I'm going to do my best to always keep him happy and thats all I can do.
How are you? You must feel a bit pushed out with a brother that takes up so much time and attention, even if its not his fault x x x x
Hey no worries. I know its not the same situation but I do see where you'r coming from. My brother is ok, i get more upset about it than he does. He's getting new equipment soon which has hit me hard.
I hope you're well and I hope your son is ok too. Btw he's adorable! xx
Hiya, I just wanted to say thank you for replying to my thread yesterday about my son. It meant a lot. I hope your brother is well x x x