Conversation Between Charlie_Charlie and Gidig
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
Ah, that fails. And is very annoyingggg. Hope you get it worked out.
i am okay, cept i cant upload le avatar.
Haha, I use crayons all the time. They're very fun.
I'm not bad, besides a stupid headache. You?
naw, gidig uses crayons?
I haven't even seen crayons since i was like, seven.
how are you?
Well black is probably the one I use the most, even when just like outlining stuff or something, ya know?
I really have no idea. perhaps black or red, aren't they the most used colours in teenage drawings? or something like that anywho....
Dark Purple.
For sure. =D
And you?
if you were a crayon what colour would you be?