Hi Craig,
Now look! It's taking me a long time to respond now too

Sorry about that.
I definitely share your feelings about traveling by ferry! I've only done it a few times, but it is quite confined. I seem to get headaches on them too.
I believe the house is close to Victoria on Vancouver Island, but I could be wrong. My mom certainly knows where it is!

It's on the island for sure, and that's what I'm excited about.
I haven't really seen any Clint Eastwood westerns, but I did know that was what he was famous for. I feel like picking one up sometime just to see what it's like! I thought all of the characters in Gran Torino were really believable! The acting was really well done too. It definitely would be nice to have someone to stick up for you, and I'm sorry that you had to go through that bullying alone. That's something you should have never had to face on your own.
You always seem like such a happy and optimistic person, Craig, but I understand what it's like to get down too. No matter how it seems, do what you need to do to pull yourself through. You can work your way through this

Also, I know I'm only a teenager, but if you ever want to talk about anything that's going on, feel free to send me a message, 'kay? I can handle talking about grown up problems too.

I'm doing alright these days. Really, I'm missing my friends because most of them are away or at summer school, but I'm managing and am looking forward to seeing them when I can.
I hope you are doing well and are enjoying some nice weather
