Hi Patrick!!
I hope you're doing OK!!
When is your first day there?! [You're not there already are you?!]
I think you might have told me - but I forgot.
IF - for some reason - you can't get online while you're away - know in your heart that I'm thinking of you. I promise - there is indeed at least ONE person in this world who wants you to be safe and sound no matter what you do, where you go or who you're with.
Sometimes - when I'm somewhere new and a bit nervous - I try to think of the experience as if I'm a 'movie critic'. I take note of all the 'characters' and of all the 'scenes'. [And so on] I know that might sound a little silly - but it helps - a little. So IF you're feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all - you can think to yourself,
"I would have hired Kathy Bates [Or some other actress] for THAT part!!
" lol
I hope that makes sense!
I anxiously await your next message!!