Hi l0stCause!!
I hope you're having a super fine day!!
Thank you VERY much for taking the time to send me such a nice message.
I really appreciate it.
Truth be told - I'm actually a very anxious guy. I often have panic attacks. [I worry about what MIGHT happen] I was bullied when I was a kid/teenager so I know how much it hurts to be treated so poorly. And because I know - I vowed never to be mean to anyone. I don't want to be the cause of someone else's grief. I don't always manage to keep that vow - but I do most of the time. I try to give to people what I want back from them. [Kindness, compassion and things like that] Besides - there is no shortage of meanness in this world. Why add to it? Right?! When it comes to love - it might surprise you to hear me say that I love you. Your first response will probably be, "How can you say that - you don't even know me?" That's true. But I love you all the same. Besides - think of all the people in this world who HATE someone they don't even know. No one seems to question that. [Well - at least not as much] And when it comes to having compassion - that's often very hard on ME. I feel what other people are feeling. [To one degree or another] It helps me to be able to say the 'right words' [Sometimes] but it's still not always easy. But I would rather care about people and hurt inside because of it than be someone who protects them self [Their emotions] by being indifferent and cold-hearted.
Feel free to talk to me about anything and everything.
I hope you will accept my friendship request.