I am having a super duper dandy day indeed LOL. Love the pose LOL. It looks like a freeze frame from an eihgties television show LOL. I have an imagination HAHA
I sent you a very important
PM like just now, hope you get it
. So intimazy is when people call me sweetheart and my mum tells me she loves, the warm fuzzy feeling kind of shit?
I loooooooooooooovvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that and I would imagine that without intimacy people would get depressed. Yeah, that is exactly what I work with, situational depression.
When I was on my old Forum, MedHelp, I earned a badge in Depression Support but I had no idea about medications and chemicals and shit because to me Depression was not about that, it was about emotion, not physical at all.
I know I am not stupid, I know that much, it is just "how do I prove that?"
Great Big Hug