OMG reaally? Im sooo jealous! you lucky lucky girl getting first dibs on Joshyy

I may hop round to yours and pop down to America for a movie night

important question! Did you get the special edition 2 disc one? With the bloopers?

And awe you cried at his sexiness thats quite understandable

I only need to wait to the 1st when it comes out here, ive even made a deal and got my mum buying me it because i got good exam results so very happy on this end

I cam hardly wait and you girl should make the most of the extra time you get of watching it before me

im sure il make up for lost time

And woahh how much did I miss

whats my godsons name may I ask? And I better be getting a formal invitation to the father very soon! Aside from that aww Cass im honoured :') tears of joy right here

. Love yaa Cass hope your son turns out to be as goddamn awesome as you

omgg you better intoduce him to the amazing world of the hg real soon! So now ive completely spammed you in every possible way- poor you both
pm and
vm in one day

I hopee I bump into you in chat real soon! Stay strong for catching fire I know you can make it- watch Joshyy in the meantime

*pause button* haha love you cassadyy <3