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Conversation Between Camisado and Cap's girl
Showing Visitor Messages 151 to 160 of 237
  1. Cap's girl
    September 1st 2012 05:23 PM - permalink
    Cap's girl
    haha why not I would love to meet Joshhyy.......a job???
  2. Cap's girl
    September 1st 2012 05:22 PM - permalink
    Cap's girl
    haha I can't wait until you get it!
  3. Cap's girl
    September 1st 2012 05:22 PM - permalink
    Cap's girl
    I agree, joshy has that sweet, kinda smoldering way about him....ahhh
  4. Camisado
    September 1st 2012 04:05 PM - permalink
    OMG and one lastt thing, CASS CASS CASS GUESSS WHAAT?!
  5. Camisado
    September 1st 2012 04:04 PM - permalink
    but in the meantime for spamming ive gotta say I love the user titley- singitureyy- phrase- thing. Ok no idea what you call it but the phrase under your name, BAZINGA PUNK!
  6. Camisado
    September 1st 2012 04:03 PM - permalink
    won't let me paste pics </3
  7. Camisado
    September 1st 2012 03:56 PM - permalink
    aww no need to stop im quite enjoying the pics to tell ya the truth
  8. Camisado
    September 1st 2012 03:56 PM - permalink
    aww the dream thats the tragedy of not been rich and famous, but don't worry Cass we're gonna fix that! we both getta meet him
  9. Camisado
    September 1st 2012 03:55 PM - permalink
    well youve got to name him that! hes gonna be one cool lil kid and I hope I still get to be godmother that one day waaay in the future but until then i'll have words with the godfather and stop him hurting little Brandon oh btw I forgot to thank you for those pics of Joshyy before only two showed up but of the two I did see.. *melts* looking smexy as per
  10. Camisado
    September 1st 2012 03:51 PM - permalink
    go out and bribe people for money hey? isnt it normally the other way round when moneys the bribe but hell yeahh we need a get rich plan to get us closer to meeting Joshyy himself <3 hmmm ive literally got no idea how to get money apart from..getting..a.. job..
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