gotta say though Seneca is pretty awesome in the film, please tell me you noticed the awesome part where hes like "who ordered this pig'" one of my fave parts

except the obvious cave scene! poor Seneca he'll never know now who ordered that pig <\3 *Ohh and i said moustaches for some strange reason o.0 really meant beard as you may have guessed. * * Haha dont i know it? But yeah youve got a point.. he is smokin.. And amazing voice too! Talking of sexy singers - Brendon Urie hes all miine

I love the black and white pics of him. Okay that was off-track! .. but i guess the director for the hg was thinking "im not the director for catching fire not my problem *evil laugh* " * * *Omfg they better! Im *imagining the voice and everything

if not we give them hell! I shall write yet another complaint letter to Suzanne (who will reply this time

) and one to the director - going all As-law student on his arse

if that happens he should be real scared hes going doown. * * Oh another thing im outraged at is that advert for Lol with Doug in it.. except his name isnt shown

and Ashley Greene's, I mean they managed miley's -_- *but hes like a model and actor cumonn they should of been able to do that! * I reckon he should have got his name in huge letters and a photo of him for thr last few seconds that took up the whole tv... *Im gonna find out what else hes in, im in need of some well *earnt drooling time! *okay..this isnt related.. but managed to be somehow in my head ?? *..My friend was saying how Johnny Depp never watches his movies - except at premieres obvs but

how is that even possible hes in like everything.. And omg hes never seen POTC.. *God forbid. * * Im desperately trying to find you a link *to youtube of him playing the electric guitair with the Black keys at the mtv awards- seriously one of the coolest things ive ever seen no joke and he just looks.. epic.. Ooh Cass you havta see il track it down for you

I should probably stop talking now

Didnt realise it was so long il stalk you till you get to chat

ive got something you should listen to too.

thats it, im done. Love you Cassss
