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Conversation Between broken-inside and dr2005
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 68
  1. broken-inside
    April 19th 2011 08:25 PM - permalink
    Well i got called into the managers office today and was asked about what i'd decided. I've gone for the menswear instead of stockroom, there's possibility of a supervisors merchandising job in a couple of months. So fingers crossed. Im on an early shift tomorrow!!! 7am-4pmish, dreading it. Already knackered. hahaha that sounds like fun, but alot of work
    Ohh you got anything planned for end of April?
  2. dr2005
    April 18th 2011 10:46 PM - permalink
    To be fair I think anyone's legs would be aching after 9 hours on your feet so I don't blame you for feeling knackered lol! Glad to hear things went okay at least and hope tomorrow is better again. Work was okay, going to be a bit manic as I need to somehow cram 2 weeks of work into 6 more working days - may well be tearing my hair out at some point! Taking a few days off after the end of April though so that should be good. Otherwise just ticking over as usual really. You had any more thoughts about the jobs?
  3. broken-inside
    April 18th 2011 08:42 PM - permalink
    Well today went ok i guess, really knackered, my legs are aching like hell, but i was rushing around alot, and was on my feet for nearly 9 hours :-s
    Gonna go bed now as im knackered hahaha, it's not even 9pm, whoops. never mind, i did wake up at 3am with a nose bleed, the pressure in my head was awful, probably stress to be honest. Then my cat woke me up by walking over me at 6am! i got up at 7am, but didnt sleep much. Probably why im tired. lol
    How are you? Was work ok?
  4. dr2005
    April 17th 2011 06:03 PM - permalink
    Thanks - as I said it sounds as if I'm safe but you never know with these things, and like you say it's definitely the people that make it worthwhile. Being admin on its own is pretty shit really! Yeah I've had moments like that, everything seems to become much more of a problem than it would normally be and that makes you feel worse in turn. The only thing you can do is just try to keep everything in perspective and tackle one issue (or if necessary one day) at a time. I suppose with the job the best thing to do is think about what is ultimately going to make you happiest in the long run - I know exactly what you mean about not wanting to upset people but in the end you're the one having to do the job so you need to pick which is best for you. I quit my previous job before this one despite getting on very well with the people I worked with simply because I wasn't enjoying the work anymore and it wasn't giving me enough to do while I was there or enough security. Whatever happens as long as you make the right choice for yourself that's all anyone can ask. In the meantime as it sounds like another one of those times you could use a hug:
  5. broken-inside
    April 17th 2011 05:27 PM - permalink
    Ooooh i'll keep my fingers crossed for you about your job. Yeah it's rubbish, its the people that make the job worth while, NOT the actual job lol
    Yup proper stress now, and when i get stressed ALL my problems seem to come to the top and just boil on the surface.
    Yup 1 of them is the stockroom job and the other is full-time on menswear which is where i am at the moment. I dont want to upset anyone :-(
    Sooooo tempted to ring in sick, but that will just delay tomorrows troubles until tuesday x
  6. dr2005
    April 16th 2011 11:57 PM - permalink
    Hey glad to hear you had a really good break - sounded like you were keeping busy on FB. Yeah it is always hard coming back after you've been away for a while, but hopefully it's given you a boost compared with when you went away. I've been okay thanks, had some bad news as one of the admin team is being made redundant and I'm at risk as a result, but the signs are I'm being kept on. Just a bit of a bugger as I like all my colleagues and it's not nice knowing one of us is on the way out. Has sharpened my thoughts about the future shall we say! You're getting stressed already and there's still a day to go - this doesn't bode well. Hope you're able to enjoy some of your weekend and try not to get too worked up about it. That sounds like an interesting development though - is one of them the stockroom job?
  7. broken-inside
    April 16th 2011 09:03 PM - permalink
    It was the most amazing break away.
    Really didnt want to come back :-( Already started stressing about work and im not back until monday. AArgggghhh, gotta choose what job i want in the store, either way someone is gonna be upset. Just abit :-s confused i'd say.
    How are you? How has your week been?
  8. dr2005
    April 10th 2011 09:55 PM - permalink
    Getting there then lol. Unfortunately yes I am, although it can be as much of an irritation as an interest if I'm honest! Good to hear you got a bit of chill time this weekend, marks an improvement on last weekend if nothing else. Know what you mean, the weeks are just flying by now - can't believe it's nearly the middle of April already. Hope you have a good journey there tomorrow and enjoy your definitely well-earned break.
  9. broken-inside
    April 9th 2011 09:33 PM - permalink
    I've done a list now lol
    OH NO!!! you're not a Formula One fan? :O hahahaha never would of guessed that
    I went shopping, had a couple of hours to myself, which was nice.
    Not doing much tomorrow, might sit in the garden for abit.
    Cant believe it's sunday tomorrow already.
  10. dr2005
    April 8th 2011 10:13 PM - permalink
    Sounds like a good plan - leaves one less thing to worry about while you're there. Yeah I'm the same with packing, I'll get an idea of what I need and make sure I know where it all is, but I'll leave the packing itself as late as I can get away with so it's not all sitting around in the suitcase. Works well enough unless it's the morning of the day we're going, then it's not so great. Will probably be doing some more work on the garden and then possibly visiting my cousin in hospital but otherwise just enjoying the sun really before it all starts again on Monday! On the plus side Formula One's back on again so that's something lol. You got much else lined up apart from the shopping and packing or taking it easy as much as possible before you go?
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