I had a mc chicken sandwich yesterday before starting work

was yummmmy

Car boot went REALLY well, i didnt like getting up at 5am, but in total, with all the money taken out for the cars etc we made £120, so i got £40 as i split it with my mum & dad as they did it aswell

Legoland was awesome, had such a laugh, we went on the boat driving school, OMG, we ended up facing the wrong way, getting stuck, 5 people lapped us, i was laughing so much, it took us about 10mins to get round where our friends who started after us had done it in about 3mins! Havent laughed that much in AGES! felt good though.
How did the external audit go? Or you not got the results yet?
We passed out Audit - 84% which was lucky as we thought the store would fail. lol
Things have been ok, did 1pm-10.30pm last night, LONG shift, was boring aswell. Only doing 11-8pm today so not too late.
Looking forward to sunday, think im gonna have a dvd day in bed and just rest lol
You got much planned for the weekend?
