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Conversation Between broken-inside and dr2005
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 68
  1. dr2005
    June 7th 2011 08:31 PM - permalink
    Turns out keeping positive was the right thing to do - had a call from them today and I'm through to the final stage! Still gobsmacked but well happy. Sounds like you definitely kept busy then but at least it was more enjoyable than work so that's a plus. Good to hear you're having fun with the Wii - my brother's got one as well and it still brings a smile to my face 3 years on (what can I say, I like gaming lol!). Can't say I've tried it as a cure for insomnia mind you but hey! Chessington sounds good - you're really taking in the theme parks at the moment aren't you? - hope you have fun and that the weather's been better than up here for it. Went to visit my bro in Manchester and watched the tennis at the weekend so fairly quiet, although they're coming down this weekend and I've got an interview for the London 2012 volunteering on Friday so this one probably won't be! How have the last few days been?
  2. broken-inside
    June 5th 2011 01:53 PM - permalink
    Good, glad it went well.
    That's it, keep thinking positively
    Yeah it was a shift from hell, i was soooo tired and grumpy.
    time to recover, im not good with spare relaxing time, i like to be busy
    Shopped with my mum yesterday, mostly for stuff for my brothers new flat, but it was a nice day. Spent abit of time of my new Wii, LOVE it! was back on it the early hours of this morning "whoops" nevermind, i just couldnt sleep.
    Bit grumpy now due to lack of sleep.
    Im off to Chessington World of Adventures on Wednesday so only 2 days of work to get through before some fun.
    Thanks for the hug
    You done much this weekend?
  3. dr2005
    June 3rd 2011 08:36 PM - permalink
    It went okay I think - was certainly as prepared for it as I could have been and don't think I made any massive howlers which always helps lol. Just got to see if what I did was what they were looking for - if so then great, if not then on to the next one. Will find out in a week either way. 12 and a half hours sounds intense to put it mildly, particularly on a shop floor - don't blame you for feeling rough after that. Make sure you look after yourself and give yourself time to recover - I've done the whole running-yourself-into-the-ground thing and it doesn't get better with practice believe me! Hope you have a more relaxing weekend and here's a hug for good measure:
  4. broken-inside
    June 3rd 2011 07:50 PM - permalink
    how'd the assessment go?
    things have been ok, couple of rough days, guess im just tired, did a stupid 12 and a half hour shift on wednesday! havent slept much. Just having a tough time at the moment i guess.
  5. dr2005
    May 31st 2011 10:12 PM - permalink
    Hey don't worry about it - sounded like you were going to be stupidly busy with work and I've had my fair share of Internet problems in the past so know the feeling! Things have been okay thanks, big news was getting past my telephone interview as you saw on FB - only problem now is I've got an assessment centre this Thursday down in London as a result of it which doesn't exactly leave long to prepare for it! Am hoping I wake up on the right side of bed that day lol. How have things been with you? Hope things at work are improving.
  6. broken-inside
    May 31st 2011 08:06 PM - permalink
    hey how are you?
    Sorry i've not been in contact much, work work work, then my internet went down! :-(
    How has everything been?xx
  7. broken-inside
    May 21st 2011 08:28 PM - permalink
    only a quick message for now, on 8shifts in a row! Done 5, got 3 more left. Bloody knackered lol
    Hope you are ok
  8. dr2005
    May 20th 2011 09:22 PM - permalink
    You're going to make me feel jealous at this rate you know. That's really good going for a car boot sale, well done! Can definitely sympathise with the not-liking-5am-starts though, worst one I had was getting up at 3am to get to a race meeting. Not good. Race itself was shit as well! Lol that is pretty priceless - a few more lessons needed perhaps! Not sure how we did, we don't get the results until next week I think (maybe later - can't remember how it was with the last audit), but all in all I think we did pretty well. Fingers crossed. Well done on your audit, these things are always pretty tough so that's good going. Am heading over to Birmingham for a BBQ some friends are hosting - haven't seen them in a while so looking forward to that - and have set myself a target of sending off two more applications so that's my weekend pretty much wiped out lol! Hope you have a good rest day on Sunday and that your other shifts have gone well.
  9. broken-inside
    May 19th 2011 07:58 AM - permalink
    I had a mc chicken sandwich yesterday before starting work was yummmmy
    Car boot went REALLY well, i didnt like getting up at 5am, but in total, with all the money taken out for the cars etc we made £120, so i got £40 as i split it with my mum & dad as they did it aswell
    Legoland was awesome, had such a laugh, we went on the boat driving school, OMG, we ended up facing the wrong way, getting stuck, 5 people lapped us, i was laughing so much, it took us about 10mins to get round where our friends who started after us had done it in about 3mins! Havent laughed that much in AGES! felt good though.
    How did the external audit go? Or you not got the results yet?
    We passed out Audit - 84% which was lucky as we thought the store would fail. lol
    Things have been ok, did 1pm-10.30pm last night, LONG shift, was boring aswell. Only doing 11-8pm today so not too late.
    Looking forward to sunday, think im gonna have a dvd day in bed and just rest lol
    You got much planned for the weekend? x
  10. dr2005
    May 17th 2011 07:22 PM - permalink
    I'm definitely hoping it pays off - I'm going to be pretty pissed off otherwise! But yeah, fingers crossed it works out this time. Dehydration really sucks - happened to me in school once, practically looked like a ghost lol. A drip is perhaps a bit extreme though - I'd just go for a big water bottle, for one thing it means no needles! How did the car boot sale go? Legoland sounds pretty cool, don't think I've ever been there - bit too far for us Northerners lol! Life's going okay, we've got an external audit tomorrow so work has been even more manic but I think I'm getting acclimatised to it now. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing really! How have things been today?

    And yeah, McChicken sandwiches are pretty epic - I shouldn't say it really but what the hell.
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