Conversation Between BrittneyNicole and PickingUpThePieces
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
FYI- I love your new avatar :]
Sounds busy and fun! haha, im watching tv. prob should go to bed but NOPE! :]
I'm glad you're doing okay, or good! Today, I haven't really done much. I spent most of the day with my boyfriend and am now at my volunteer firehouse riding the engine and ambulance until I work tomorrow at 7pm with my paid ambulance job. lol. What have you been up to?
Hahaha, yeah I gathered as much :] I'm doing okay, good I suppose :] Glad you hear you're really good! So what are you up to todayy?
Hi there Liz! I'm Brittney, hence the screen name. haha. Anyway, I'm awesome! How're you?
Heyy, I don't think we've ever met, I'm Liz :] I noticed that we had similar tastes in music, and I also play softball! So I thought I would just sayhey :] How're you?
I just wanted to stop by and say Happy Birthday! I hope it's great! :]