Yikes- that's a heapload of crap, all right.
I remember when my dad left my mom, and it was a really scary time for me, because there was no discussion. He just left. But divorce is really not that terrible once you get used to it (and you will, quickly.) That isn't to say it's easy, because that is a great big Hell to the no, but you're strong and I have faith that you'll be fine when all is said and done.
As for your friend's deathday anniversary, I'm so sorry about that. I can't say I can relate to that entirely, but just try to take some comfort in knowing that she is in a better place, you know? Even if you don't believe in Heaven or an alternate realm of afterlife, it's always nice to think of your loved ones who have passed on as stars in the sky, watching down on you and everyone else the love every night.
I don't think I can provide any words of wisdom on papers and finals and bills, except to "git 'er done." Maybe focusing really hard on doing well in your academics will force you to think of things other than divorce and death and general nastiness.
peace and love