Conversation Between Brighter.than.sun and Beautiful Disaster
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17
Hey mate, how are things? x
I'm fine. Thanks for checking on me <3
No worries, I hope it has helped a bit. <3
Thanks for the great ideas. I'll see what I can do
That's cool. Do you have any photos of him from anything? Could you ask his family for some photos? You could write down memories you have had with him, things he liked, or you could make it a scrapbook of his life - including what he did at different points, photos of him growing up. Anything that made you both laugh, any 'in' jokes, any sayings he had, anything that you want to remember. <3
I guess I am just thinking of putting together a memory book like you suggested but idk what to put in it