Conversation Between Brandon and Alrex
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It is confusing. I don't know who's more corrupt...the NCR or the Legion. I only cooperated with the Legion because they've got some pretty strong dudes while the NCR seem like regular people. Probably a bad move on my is confusing though.
HAHAHA EXACTLY what happened to me dude. I killed a legion guy then a group of them come running across the wasteland killing me everytime. I killed a bunch of them and put on their armour and then the NCR started attacking me too.
I was only a level 9 or something but had to restart. I liked fallout 3 better, this one is getting too confusing for me
So I get to level 16 on Fallout New Vegas and I realize that I haven't increased any of my special attributes because I thought it was only a 1 rank for some reason...pissed off the Legion and they sent assassins after me everytime I pretty much traveled so I had to start over. I'm a dumbass.