Conversation Between Bite Me and Gidig
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
Omg it's been forever! That picture is adorable, it totally made me smile which I needed. =) Hope you're doing well!
Hey Maria,
It's been a while.
I hope you are well!!!

Haha! The world is a sad and scary place sometimes :P especially when we all rely on technology! Why was your dad stomping around? That's kind of rude to do in the middle of the night!! I hope he wasn't doing it again last night!
I hate when I forget to plug in my phone. I feel so lost the next day! I can't even stay somewhere a night without my laptop. xD What has the world come to?! =P
I'm tired, my dad has been stomping around downstairs all night repeatedly waking me up... crazy father lol
I've been ok. Completely just forgot to plug in my phone before I fell asleep last night... so ya I feel like an idiot for not doing so! :P Ugh why is my life so dependent on technology!?!? How are you?
It has been forever!! How's it going? <3
Hi, I haven't talked to you in forever and ever!!! How have you been?