Hey! I just saw your profile come up on the site and I thought I'd come by and say hi

I'm Estelle, and I'm a Community Mentor on the site, which means it's my job to help out new users and answer any questions people might have about how
TH works. If you ever need anything, you can ask me or another Community Mentor (we're the ones with green usernames). Also, I was looking in your about me page, and I also do cross country and write and I've read like all of the books you have listed lol
Anyway, I hope you like the site so far! Since you're new, it would be a good idea to post in the Arrivals and Departures forum (you can find it towards the top of the "forums" page) to introduce yourself to everyone. You should check out the rest of the site too, like the chat room and the other forum areas. If you have any questions or just want to chat, my inbox it always open!