yes they sure can. Horses can read into anything you feel. It's like they can see into your sole as weird as that sounds. Also cool fact... When you are riding they can feel everything from your emotions to the slightest weight difference. When I am aggravated or upset or sad my horse feeds off of it. When I am happy she too his joyful and hyper

This may sound weird but I think that horses pic their owners in a sense. Like I have worked with horses for about 10 years now and have trained many. When I started training the horse that is now mine. I honestly hated her. She was a mean little cuss and she tried to kill me a lot lol. It took me a little while but now almost 5 years later she is my angel. Perfectly trained and wonderful. She understands everything. She can feel it and so can I. It's cool because I can release her into the pasture or even just out and around and when I whistle she always comes back

I took her for a walk the other day (like you would a dog) and just let her go. I started running and she just ran behind me all the way home without me touching her or leading her

It was so cool. And we like to play tag to