Conversation Between bayhorse321 and Intoxicated Brutality
Showing Visitor Messages 181 to 190 of 1030
I love you too!!!!!!!!! How are you dear?
Just dropping by to say I love you!<3
Yup, that's it. Exactly that, actually
I understand. I feel that way even now. You don't know what it is or why you feel that way.
I've been popping in every few hours or so just to check for messages.
I would talk to you but I'm not exactly sure I can explain how I've been feeling. Which makes no sense, but whatever I suppose.
I'm glad you're fine at least
Thank you, it means a lot. I love you too!
Would you like to talk with me? Remember that you can always text or even call.
Call after 4pm though. I will TTY when you can get on.
I'm doing fine, stressed but fine.
Love you!
Not really, but I'll be fine.
I probably won't be able to be online much today, we have a limit on the number of megabytes we can use (200 a day, downloading music, watching YouTube videos, and just being online uses them quick) and for whatever reason there's only 39//200 left...if I don't let them restore it'll be a 24 hour wait for it to go beck to where I can get online.
I hope things have started getting better for you.<3
Uhm yes you really are

you doing okay love?

you are awesome though