Conversation Between Babity and Tecatholic
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alright.thanks for the info. so it's more like up to the publishing company about how "far" they want to take it (publicity wise)?
Also what do you think are good companies? or how do you pick the right one for you?
Hey! Dont self publish. Find a company that will pay for everything. You should have to pay for any of the publishing. I havent gotten to advertisement just yet. But pretty much what will happen is you will submit it, they will read it and decide if they want to publish it. Dont be disheartned if at first you dont get signed. It takes time.
hey thanks for posting in my thread about my book. I see that you are publishing something now.
think you could tell me a bit about what that process is like? like are you self publishing or going with a company? how do you advertise your book to make it more well known? what should I do before hand? thanks!!!!