Conversation Between Babity and razors_and_rosary
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
i'm writing something for a friend that i email to her chapter by chapter. it really keeps her in suspense, and i get detailed feedback from her on each bit. she loves it.
haha. well atleast you're commited! haha
have you written any origional stuff lately?
yeah, that sorta thing :P i go into a book to check a detail and get sidetracked and end up reading the series...but it's worth it, haha.
haha "No harry didn't have three button down shirts he only had two!!" that sorta thing? haha
It is fun! There's a lot of amateur writers doing fanfic...I like to point out inaccuracies, simply because I'm good at remembering details and I'm scrupulous in my own stuff. Tehe, people get annoyed with me.
No I've never done it. It' looks fun. I'd especially like to get some Harry Potter out there....just cause hehe
ahh, anything and everything! twilight & the mortal instruments (to name the most common), all my favourite books get fanfic. do you write fanfic?
haha that's always fun. I love fan fiction!! lol. which books?
fantasy and teen (usually in combination), and i'm writing something a bit violent at the moment for a friend. and i write a lot of fanfic when i have writer's block.
haha totally. I do the basic fantasy and teen and suspense. it like being all over the board