Hey Hannah! Welcome to TeenHelp!
My name is Sammi and I'm one of the
buddies that works here on the site. I'm really glad you decided to join our little community! It's a great place to seek out support for whatever it is you may be going through. There are a couple of different areas where you can do this. One of these is the forums, which you seem to be finding your way around already. Another is HelpLINK, which is a ticket-based system that allows you to write in requests for our
Mentors to respond to. Another (sometimes quicker) way to get advice is through our Live Help system. By using that, you can live chat with an
Operator to get advice quickly. Finally, you can always utilize the Support and Advice subrooms in the Chat Room to get advice from users who might be in there.
Now that the business portion is aside, I thought I'd let you know that I checked out your About Me section a little bit. You have absolutely amazing taste in music! Do you prefer Flyleaf with Lacey or Flyleaf with the new singer? I'm definitely a Lacey fan through and through. Also, is your UN influenced by the Skillet song? It's definitely a great track. As far as theater goes, what genres do you prefer to act in? Any part you've played that you absolutely loved? Tell me all about yourself! I love getting to know new people.
If you need anything, feel free to shoot me a message! I'm really looking forward to getting to know you and seeing you around.