For me, it was a mixture of my friends' support (I called them every time I got an urge and talked to them until it went away), me not wanting my parents to find out (and running out of hideable spots), and some words my director told me. She found out, and she said "You are better than that. You are talented, beautiful, intelligent, you have so many friends, and you have a good head on your shoulders. How do you feel when your friends hurt themselves (because she knew of a kid I'm friends with who SHed)? That's how they feel when they hear about you doing it. We want you to love you as much as we love you." Those words really stuck with me, and they're true. But it's different for each person. One of my friends used the rubber band technique (which I'm sure you've heard of), and it really worked for him - he's been
SH free for 5 months!