I actually work two jobs. Though one some people wouldn't count one as a job, and the other since I've worked at the same place filling in for so long my boss didn't even make me fill out an application or be interviewed. :P bahaha.
One I work as a hostess (seating people/running the cash register/bagging up and getting together to-go orders) at a local resuraunt, though last Friday they needed someone to clean tables so I did that.
And the other is helping my step-grandma with her dogs. She breed/shows/sells Cocker Spaniels; and it's a lot more work to it than one might think. It can take anywhere from 3-5+ hours to groom one adult dog. o-e And she has 17 dogs total; right now 7 puppies and 10 adults.
I was doing the latter job today. :P was over there from 10am to 4:30pm. Not too long