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Conversation Between Amorphous. and Validity
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 28 of 28
  1. Validity
    September 9th 2012 12:13 AM - permalink
    Yeah it would be. But it has been 7 years so if we win we'll have to win BIG!

    Haha, well, at my old school if we ever had sport we'd split into maroons and blues. It was exactly half-half

    I feel isolated enough, being away from everyone I would feel even more depressed.

    Yeah, exactly! The different pressures in the cabin, and with pressure already in my brain, it would push the clot to my heart. Boom, bang, ugh, dead.
    I want to see Calfornia and nz and a few places in Europe so I don't want to be here for life. PLus, I want to be a doctor overseas to kids who don't have doctors or clean water.

  2. Amorphous.
    September 8th 2012 10:58 PM - permalink
    It's time for us to give THEM some smug looks LOL . That would be pretty cool if we were to come out winners .

    I love the respect in State of Origin or in Test Games were you could be complete rivals and get into fights with each other and hate on each other LOL at club level and then when you're wearing a blue jersey or a yellow jersey, THEN you can make it work, it's wierd, but good to see .

    Nah, I haven't LOL, I'll look out for him next time he plays . I live in the suburbs . I would looooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e to live in one of those homes that are in the middle of the forest, like if you've ever seen the show Parallax, how there's a forest sort of world. I reckon that would be pretty cool .

    Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, sorry to hear that . It probably has something to do with the air compression, hey? That means you're Aussie for life though, that's the bright side LOL .

  3. Validity
    September 8th 2012 05:40 AM - permalink
    I always root for the blues and I do hope we win. I'm fed up with the smug looks qlder's give me when they win :P

    Oh course. Oi, you heard of Zachary Smith? He's the one whom goes to my church I've met him a few times

    Okay, thanks for clearing that up. hahaha, was like "whooaaaaa" haha. Yeah, but the problem is I HATE cities. I like the suburban places. Where I live is classes as country though but it's pretty good.

    I love it. I have had numerous requests to join my cousins in new zealand for a holiday but recently have been dealing with a med condition which prevents me from flying otherwise I will die. No joke, either.

  4. Amorphous.
    September 8th 2012 12:15 AM - permalink
    Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, State of Origin is pretty intense. I reckon NSW is going to win next year. They played really well this year and I think the new coach is just enough to get them over the line . I played AFL representatively once .

    Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, say a massive congratulations to your friend for me . Really Jay, really? LOL. I looooooooooooooovvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee playing it . Down to Sydney LOL, it's further SOUTH . Let me know when you arrive and I shall be the first to welcome you . Nah, I'm kidding LOL, but we would love to have you in Sydney .

    OMG, New Zealand looks sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo magical in parts and so cool, I want to go there one time .
  5. Validity
    September 7th 2012 12:06 AM - permalink
    That's great to hear

    Thanks. I like the footy/state of origin better, also AFL (but only because my friend is marrying one of the Suns players). Cricket I can't stand but enjoy playing. I could make a team but I choose not to.

    Not bad, lovely views, got a river at both sides of the street, but I may be moving up to Sydney (down to sydney? I always get it confused) my family all live there, except for an uncle and aunt as well as cousins in nz.

  6. Amorphous.
    September 6th 2012 12:45 PM - permalink
    I am gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooood. I am talking to my friend at the moment . My Aussie inernet bestest friend . Yeah, man, there are a stack of us . I remember I met this one guy a few days ago, this whole time, I thought he was American, I could have sworn it LOL.

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa y Happy Early Birthday from me . Ooooooooooooooooh, Summer is fast approaching and you know third best thing about Summer other than the beaches and the atmosphere? CRICKET!!!!!!!! Dude! LOl. I love the Cricket. I even enjoyed watching the Test Series last year .

    I was watching it the day of Peter Siddle's hat trick. I went downstairs to make a sandwich and three wickets had gone down LOL. I'm like "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I missed that! ." LOL.

    RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT up the border I do believe. Haha, how do you like it?
  7. Validity
    September 4th 2012 01:17 AM - permalink
    Hello mate Hahaha. Nice. I'm alright, just going through the motions in school and at home. How about yourself?

    Glad to know there are other aussie's on here My name is Jay, well, Jamie but I prefer Jay. I'm 15 soon in year 9, I'm a writer, singer, enjoys playing sport and I'm a tomboy proud of it to. I live in Tweed heads :/

    Nice to meet you to.
  8. Amorphous.
    September 3rd 2012 05:34 AM - permalink
    Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey awesome person . OMG, your birthday is one day before my graduation . Oooooooooooooh, five minutes more and you would have been online . How are you?

    I'm an Aussie too . Name's Hamed, seventeen year old student, writer, drummer and stacks more from Sydney . Pleasure to meet you .
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