Yeah, I guess I have been slacking off and making excuses. I get a misadventure. I am going to make up the perfect excuse and get past it hopefully. I think I did an OK job, I am slightly proud of myself. I missed councelling though, which was devastating. Period TWO not THREE.
I came in, I am like to myself, "OK, I have had a shit day so far, my throat is sore, I am about to get another zero, but I can complain to someone who will listening, my councellor is here to save my sanity once more." I came in and said "sweet, we are booked in for now, correct?" He goes "mate, we were booked in for Period Two this morning".
I am on endorphins, I just finished training, so I am happy now. Big today planned for tomorrow. I am going to school even though there is a strike. Gym first, then long hot shower on a rainy morning (probably, IDK) and then Maths Homework. If everything goes to plan, that is
We soooooooooooooooo do LOL.
Hahaha, love that, a Lady Gaga concert through the phone hehe
. That's very nice of your sister
. Hahaha, straight to school, no rest for you young lady LOL. How are you feeling, not too tired? Make sure you get some rest tonight, you probably need it
Tomorrow is going to be good, I shall make sure of it. I don't know whether I am being reasonable because I am under the influence of endorphins (natural chemicals which make you happy after you have a strong workout) but I am really happy now