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Conversation Between Amorphous. and Camisado
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 85
  1. Camisado
    June 11th 2012 02:13 PM - permalink
    seriously? it does feel like ages ago since I last talked to yer. Awesome- im sure it was a sign
    definately is xD yeah am I pretty big fan paramore and the all american rejects are my favourite ever bands oh yeah I do! so many of them lyrics are true to me but you know its weird when you cant name any certain lyrics off the top of your head, probs ignorance is the most of all for me, but this is giving me an excuse to listen to all their songs right now and get back to you with a proper answer when im done xD
    Awesome, I bet they did! thats another thing to add to my bucket list visit Australia one day! i just need to get enough money coz my mum's friends emigrated their so we can visit them, maybe if I start saving now il have enough for plane ticket when im 30
    lol never heard of krumping but deffo shuffling would love to see that. At our prefects dinner they hired a dj and everything but everyone sat around talking and noone danced so it was pretty awk - specially coz had terrible music. but your formal sounds waaay cooler xD
    hehe I can never sleep especially now i reckon ive got an addicting to th and always seem to be online. oh that sucks, ive got an exam tomorrow but th seems a little more advertsing then revising -.- never heard of escape the fate is it like a band or something?
    umm thats a hard one, well id deffo be a rock band - that ones easy. A name id probs struggle for i invented my own band (dont worry only on paper never happened) and it was called stereo dreams but dunno if that seems very rockish? hard to come up with names I guess
    Wow that sounds awesome I love the name Imogen hey when Imogen makes it big and you have thousands of screaming fans, just remember me yeah? especially when Hayley begs you to become lead singer- im first in line for free tickets :P
  2. Amorphous.
    June 11th 2012 01:54 PM - permalink
    Wow, I only sent my VM yesterday, I thought that was ages ago LOL. Hey, I put my headphones in, picked some random song from my list out of about 1100 and got Emergency haha . What the flip are the odds?

    Oh, sorry you can't go . It's on your bucket list now haha . You sound like a pretty big fan of the band . Do you ever get an emotional connection with or relate to the songs they sing? If so, which ones and why?

    They have done a few shows before. Perth and Sydney. They did a MASSIVE tour of Australia I think in 2008 or 2009. They really loved the country and the crowds. Who wouldn't haha .

    Hahaha, I practice ever day LOL Krumping, shuffling, all that good shit haha . Will do . I need sleep but cannot sleep haha . I have an assignment due tomorrow and have only started just now. I am listening to Escape the Fate to keep me awake .

    Certinly, I have a long list of favorite songs and artists LOL. If you were to have a band, what would you call it and which genre? .

    An acoustic rock band named Imogen. .
  3. Camisado
    June 11th 2012 01:26 PM - permalink
    Heey sorry took so long to reply. And its fine wow lucky me 2nd vm of the morning :P Oh you are? I hate operations so much I really really really hope it goes well and you get better quickly! ah now ive got two reasons to see them at a concert- one because Hayley's super-awesome live and second I get to see his amazing glockenspiel-playing skills xD I cant believe it their playing at a festiva l somewhere near me soon but I cant go plus its super expensive theres no way that im gonna be stopped going to another one- I was gonna see ages ago but didnt happen and I thought id missed out when they broke up, so this is my new target in life hey do they ever tour in Australia or do concerts there? and hey I think the glockenspiel would make an awesome extra to the songs, I can just hear ignorance now with a little glockenspiel solo half way through xD :P
    hey your formal sounds good, hope youve been practicing your 'crazy dance skills' xD and make sure you put on a paramore request for me yeah thats true that scarecrows are always stood still- kinda creepy at times. I wondered too about separating the letters so straaange oh its fine by the way xD
    oh yeah decode down to all the twilight craze, id heard of them before that but sorta made me notice them again. Emergency is cool mind you arent all paramore songs?
  4. Amorphous.
    June 9th 2012 11:18 PM - permalink
    Hey, Charlie. Good morning. Sorry I left last night, it's just I needed sleep and if I write things when I am tired, I make many spelling mistakes and leave out words and my VM would slowly turn into gibberish haha . You are only my second VM this morning, so I certainly did not forget about you .

    I am the one being operated on haha . After I finish school and get my final exam results back etc. I looked it up and the Taylor York only plays the glockenspiel during live sets, so at concerts and things. They wouldn't put it in actual songs, Paramore has a reputation to maintain as a rock band haha!

    Formal as in both, actually. We have a full blown dinner being served for all religions and vegetarians and things like that and then we also a dance floor where we show off our crazy dancing skills. DJ, lights and everything. And dinner and desert on the side .

    I had a listen to the song and I have absolutely no clue haha . The only thing I can think of is the scarecrow being some sort of threat that will never leave. You may watch your back, but a scarecrow is never going to move from it's spot.

    One thing I have noticed though, is that sometimes the name is seperated. So it might look like: S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W. I have no clue, though, soz .

    Mine was technically Decode, but that was everywhere at the time because of Twilight, so I listened to it when other people were. I am not going to count Decode and go the next one. Emergency .
  5. Camisado
    June 9th 2012 11:09 PM - permalink
    Oh hey dont worry about it when you send it it was 12:50pm and right now its 22:53 I forgot about time differences they can be so annoying at times
  6. Amorphous.
    June 9th 2012 12:50 PM - permalink
    Sweet dreamsness .
  7. Amorphous.
    June 9th 2012 12:49 PM - permalink
    If you don't mind, I will get to writing back to this tomorrow morning. I am really sleepy right now and if I write back now, I shall make many mistake, say things I am not supposed to say haha . Sorry...

    I will speak to you tomorrow. Goodnight . What time of day is it there?
  8. Camisado
    June 9th 2012 12:29 PM - permalink
    Omg please ignore spelling mistakes my ipods doing the dumb auto correct youl probs be able to get the general idea of what im planning to say
  9. Camisado
    June 9th 2012 12:28 PM - permalink
    Hey xD looking forward to the glockenspiel song yay thats awesome you liked school and got on woth others and even better you can keep in touch ah formal as in a formal dinner or a prom type thing? Ive got mine soon too. Sorry im still super thick are you watching surgery for like qualifications or something? Or are you the one being operated on? Sorry not letting me indent so might be confusing to read- especially as I tend to switch topics rapidly . Oh that explains a lot about symbol! How awesome! Cant believe I never realised that about monster- theres normally like a hidden meaning behind the lyrics- like ignorance for example. Hey this guy sounds awesome- if you get time test him on this song because I cant work out meaning - scarecrow by my chemical romance. The only thing I can think of is if scarecrow is the codeword for a bomb but wonder if this guy has any better ideas. Ermm I found paramore when I was in tear 8 so I must have been 12 and im 15 now. What was the first paramore song you heard? Mine was misery buisness xD. Oh and awsome I accepted request
  10. Amorphous.
    June 8th 2012 11:02 PM - permalink
    P.S. Friend request = sent
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