Oooooh, someone really missed me then haha
. I really missed you, I hate having you sick because I don't want to talk to you when you're sick because you need recovery time and I want to make you feel better and not talking to you isn't easy
. Eh heh! Notice anything different about my profile?
My name!!!!!! I changed it just then because I have no idea why but the new name is the fear of dreams. I looooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee the notion of dreams which also ties in with the notion of imagination which is why I chose the new name! It might take a bit of getting used to and granted I am having a bit of trouble reminding myself how to spell it LOL, but the same thing happened with Ellie and how she changed her name
Naww, what a nice bus driver!!
. LOL, that's what friends are for, sending out spare headphones LOL. Yeah, same here. I soooooooooooooo badly want an iPod so I can take it to school and get lost in my own world there too
Besides horrible from having to listen to my music through the built in loudspeakers in my laptop, OK. I am hating on English right now though. There are sooooooooooo many things wrong with English, I could go on for many minutes haha
. My last assessment task before trials is due next week, I have a much anticipated counselling session Tuesday next week as well and I have started on our Pompeii and Herculaneum topic for Ancient History!!!!!!!!!!!
BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG week next week. I am getting my braces put in next week, the 29th, a Friday Night, I have just realised. I know I always write a blog post on Friday Night, so there is the subject for my 29th of June one LOL.
I talk waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much LOL. It is DEVASTATING
. Haha
. Legit, though, it looks like a flipping zombie haha