Shadow "toots" like tooties candy lol without the "ie". Well, he really scared us last night. He's about 3 weeks and we got him from a family friend. well, she said that he could eat soft can cat food like friskies. But, he wouldn't eat it. So, I was feeding him milk from the fridge for 2 days. And, apparently that doesn't nourish the kitten. He needs his mommy's milk. So, his sugar dropped so low that his back legs went first, then he couldn't walk on any legs, and then he couldn't move his head.
We thought it was because of the 3 ticks we found in his ear. But, we called an emergency vet and she said it was his sugar dropping since he wont eat anything. So, she said to feed him some sugar and water to get it back up and it's been working. He's getting his strength back. It's about 4:43 in the morning right now. I have to get up at 5:30 to get ready to take him to the doctor at 8:00. So, I'm not too worried about him anymore. Now, I'm worried about my mom. I just can't get a damn break..