Conversation Between alixthetree and MadPoet
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
well I can relate.. I've been bullied a lot to, sometimes its tricky to learn how to stand up for yourself... people can be real jerks..
not so much now...but i did at one point and it's still rather hard for me to stick up for myself
Do you get bullied a lot or something?
-'s nice when people help stick up for other people...but i'm also used to it too...still thank you
Heya, it's no problem at all. I hate to see people get basically preyed on by other people, and that shouldn't happen on a help site... I'm sorry they were kinda rude to you=/
hi...i just wanted to say thank you for standing up for me...i'm clearly not very good at doing it myslef