Conversation Between Adean and Hyper Sonic
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
Rescue was good for having potshots at the boss and then rescuing them lol. Yeah this one has Marth in it and he's a pretty good lord although with 7 movement you need to give him boots to help him keep up with fliers
Rescue has saved me from restarting a chapter. Does it have Marth in it? The fourth one is really good. Kind of twisted and a bit easy, but it's good.
Ah right, I've not seen any of the Japanese ones but she does sound awesome
. It could be the Sacred Stones, sounds about right actually.
Shadow Dragon is the DS one yeah and it's cool, it doesn't change much which is a good thing IMO except you can't rescue which is frustrating. It's actually a remake of the first fire emblem 
I love it when I post on my own wall...
She was a pegasus knight in a Japanese one (I think the fourth one, she had green hair). She used swords and lances and promoted she used magic staffs.
I think it's Heath and Cormag was in the Sacred Stones?
Is Shadow Dragon the one for the DS? Is it any good?
Is Fury a wyvern knight then? I think you got Cormag (male) and Vaida (female) in the English one.
But I agree, pegasus knights (and falcoknights by extension) are awesome especially in evade and sending them over the see with a sword or axereaver to deal with pirates. Although near invincible when given the Delphi shield (protects fliers against arrows).
Fliers are sweet, those and paladins and Hector when he got the two squares movement from that item, perfect for a blitzkrieg on the enemy
I'm playing Shadow Dragon now too 
Florina. That's her name. I couldn't remember the English version. I used both Florina and Fiora though because I love pegasus knights. Except Farina was annoying. Fury was cooler than all three of them though.
Farina just wasn't as good by the time you got her, the 20,000 was pretty much a waste of money really
I never used Fiora properly because by that time I'd trained up Florina
She looked cooler so I used her. I restarted many times to use her. She wasn't too low though and she usually ended up better than Flolina (sp?). Farina was ok, but she had trouble attacking twice for me.
I don't think she has enough growths and is too low when she joins you
Fiora is a better pegasus knight.