Nah, the site is set up anyway so there's very little you'd have to do in what is a highly intuitive(-ish) backend. It's very detailed and complicated, but very easy to navigate and actually use. Joys of expensive
vB software.
I'll do drinks and dishwashers for £10...

My Dad got me this awesome Thorntons egg (just got it!)'s like, Banoffee Pie egg. It has banana and toffee in it and....mmm.
I've suggested the Isle of Man, actually, because it was where I slammed my finger down on an Atlas, though if there's all that cool stuff there that I can suggest rather than "my finger said so" I might get somewhere.
I wasn't just being polite. The scenery in Scotland is breathtaking. And my relatives live there.
Midges, however, are the most disgusting things ever and I hate them. As for the water, it's heaven. In Wiltshire, we have some of the hardest water ever...going to Scotland, particularly the Highlands and just being able to sip water out of springs and off of waterfalls is...just pure delight.
My sister is so weird - she dislikes the soft water. It's so good for skin as well, though.
Nevertheless, there is more to the world than
just Scotland.
Old Georgy's a great pal of Mr. Cameron...he's that one that looks about 20 years older than he is (having looked 20 years younger before government, with the mental age and maturity of someone 20 years younger) and is in charge of ripping off the poor and enhancing his wealth. You know the one?
I dislike him, he makes me unable to go to America. Or anywhere. Or go anywhere on holiday at all if if costs money.