Conversation Between AcidRayne*OG* and lea-x-fallen
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
im okay, just had to get my parents to help with my maths homework, grr hate it. lol. so what have you been up to?
Thank you
and lol no not all pink, but a lot of it yes. I am doing pretty good today, bored is all. How are you?
woo. congrafulations!!! are you buying all pnk? lol. so how are you today?
, COLOR] I'm not doing much, just living life. Going to ultrasounds and buying baby stuff. Found out I'm having a girl which is exciting to me.
aww thanks. nm but the ceiling is up. lol. school and thats it. you?
Hey what's up? Thank you, you look pretty cool too. I added you so yeah.
heyas. haev to say you have an awsome profile and u look cool, so sup?