Conversation Between 1998 and ZaraWrites
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
Heya 1998!
I'm Zara, a Buddy, and I just wanted to pop by and say:
Welcome to TeenHelp!!!!
You may not know it yet, but you have found a safe environment to just be yourself.
No one here will make fun of you OR make you feel 'less than' here.
As far as we know...
You have just become a part of the TeenHelp family
Feel free to post messages, or post a message in response to someone else who is having a problem. This is how TeenHelp works. We are here for each other, and we help each other, or you can just read some of the messages for now, if that's what you feel comfortable doing for now, and when you are ready - you can introduce yourself by posting a message in the 'arrivals and departures' forum by clicking here!
Don't worry about how your message sounds. Don't even worry about spelling mistakes or anything else. Just say 'hi' and let us know a little bit about you. This is a great way to make new friends easily. You can also go into the chat room by clicking here.
If you are not sure how to do things - you can click on the 'FAQ' link. And if you have an urgent request for some help - feel free to click the 'Live Help' link. That's where someone will help you RIGHT NOW!! If the word 'offline' is underneath 'Live Help' you can post a message by clicking 'HelpLINK'! Usually within a day or two - someone will respond to your message. Sometimes even sooner than that. Most people just post a message on one of the 'Support Forums' however. But you do what feels best. Do whatever makes YOU feel most comfortable!!
We are pleased that you are here!!!!
Feel free to PM or VM me if you have any problems...
Anyway. With that done... How're you???