Conversation Between *Jen* and flutterbye1990
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 48
I love you so much <3 xxxxxxx
<3 <3 <3
love x x x
I am so so sorry that happened
It must have really shuck you up and brought back some awful memories. Sending you lots of
. Can you not report him huni? You can't let him rule your life like this. You shouldn't be scared to go out of your own house. Thats not fair
Did the hospital help at all?
I have been doing a little better lately. Just hope I get better soon. So fed up of this cold.
I expect you have had loads of snow in scotland???! It finally snowed where I am a few days ago. I went sledging the other day as well haha.
Keep your chin up
im sorry sweetie, just had so much going on and i didnt really talk to anyone
i promise i will do
well its a long story but my ex boyfriend, the man who raped and abused me followed me from my friends house a tried to corner me
i was terrified and it just brought everything back so i went home and took some pills and my grans insulin. When i woke up in hospital i was hysterical so they ended up keeping me in, i got out just before new year but i have just stayed in the house. im terrified to go out just now
im so glad you have a good christmas and new year, i spent my christmas in the hospital and my new years in with my girlfriend and my gran which was shit tbh
aww im sorry to hear you werent feeling well but hopefully it will be going away soon
so how have you been feeling dear?? better me hopes (:
i love you missus <3
x x x
Ahhh huni I was so happy when you text me tonite. Was rather worried about you cos hadn't heard from you for a while. You better stay in touch from now on! How come you been in hospital lovely?? I hope you are ok now. I haven't been too well lately. Got a flu infection thingy and on antibiotics. I think I am over the worst though now because it doesn't seem as bad today.
My Christmas was ok and my new year was drunken
How was yours? Hope you managed to enjoy yourself a bit
Love youuu loads <3
hi darling
im so sorry i havent been in touch not been too well tbh
in hospital
how are you doing my loveli??
hope you had a great christmas and a happy new year
i missed you so much and i love you loads deary
<3 xxx
I miss you huni. Please text me or whatever just to let me know you are ok. Hope you had a good Christmas. Love you lots and lots <3
whats wrong my wee jennypie
thank you so much for helping me get through all that last week and im sorry i dont have my phone just now to help you as much as you did me but i am thinking of you and hoping your alright
i love you sweetheart
x x x x
Just wanted to say I loveeeee you. You are amazing and can get through this so don't give up huni. <3
I haven't been far. I am not too great but I am surviving.
You know you have always got me as a friend. I love you so much and am not allowing you to give up. Talk to meee about it