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Welcome me, I'm new!

Condabomb Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 48
  1. Dom Shaye
    November 23rd 2015 08:33 AM - permalink
    Dom Shaye
    Happy birthday, i'm dom
  2. Callum Klein
    October 28th 2015 11:01 AM - permalink
    Callum Klein
    Hello i'm Callum
  3. Manjima
    September 13th 2015 08:16 AM - permalink
  4. carolinecote
    July 25th 2015 09:33 PM - permalink
    Hi! How are you?
  5. Wolfz
    May 20th 2015 09:38 PM - permalink
    My name's Julia.
    I know this is weird. I'm just a stranger writing a VM on your profile. :'D
    But I just wanted to say hi! You seem like a nice person so I thought I might just say hi. :3
  6. bringmethehorizon♥
    May 16th 2015 10:31 AM - permalink
    Hi Britt I'm Justin how are you today?

    Take care ~Justin~
  7. Green Yoshi
    May 15th 2015 06:54 AM - permalink
    Green Yoshi
    i did it to troll my friend
  8. fallingstargirl
    May 14th 2015 11:21 PM - permalink
    I watch the vlogbrothers (Hank and John Green) and Laci Green and Connor Franta and a bunch of smaller, less popular channels. I also watch a lot of webseries, like the Lizzie Bennet Diaries and Squaresville
  9. Green Yoshi
    May 4th 2015 04:59 AM - permalink
    Green Yoshi
    btw i changed my username xD
  10. fallingstargirl
    April 30th 2015 03:34 AM - permalink
    Oh cool I basically live on youtube...

About Me

  • Basics
  • About
    About me
    Hi, well I'm Brittany, just call me Britt tho.. I don't really like my name. I am obsessed with youtube, my life is absolutely imperfect and I'm okay with that. I'm 15, stressed, depressed and decently dressed, I have a lot of issues some sarcasm and whale other issues, I don't judge, I'm pretty easy to talk to and I am here to talk if anyone needs to. I am depressed bipolar, and I have pretty bad anxiety. I am fighting a self harm battle too. I am also one of many fandoms. Feel free to pm/vm me anytime :)
  • Details
    Here for
    New friends. Advice. Human connection.
    Relationship status
    High School
    Full Time Teenager
    Very liberal
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    YOUTUBE, Chilling, Internet, Quotev, music, penny boarding, Netflix, Music. I don't really know I have a very boring life
    Alot of metal bands omg there's too maney XD
    I like horror and comedy mostly
    AMERICAN HORROR STORY!!!!! The Walking dead, Modern Family, Pretty Little Liars, Awkward, Faking it, Scream, WWE, Big Bang Theory, a lot of others too
    There's too many to say all but I am a girl gamer XD
    There's too many too name, I'm honestly a giant book worm
    Tennis, Penny Bording, Skiing, Snowboarding
    Any Self harm Victims and or depression victims, they all inspire me to feel as though I am good enough
    Favorite quotes
    Everyone wants happiness nobody wants pain but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain
    Other interests
  • Signature
    What are feelings?
    .....How do I use them?
    ....Can Eat them?
    ...Or sell them?
    .......... No? Well, Then I don't want them...


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
Helpful Postings
  • Condabomb's posts have been liked or marked as helpful 9 times.
General Information
  • Last Activity: January 22nd 2016 07:33 PM
  • Join Date: April 4th 2015
  • Referrals: 0


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 24


  • Points: 6,256
  • Level: 11
  • Points: 6,256, Level: 11 Points: 6,256, Level: 11 Points: 6,256, Level: 11
  • Level up: 65%
  • Points needed: 394
  • Level up: 65% - 394 Points needed Level up: 65% Level up: 65% - 394 Points needed
Points for user
  • Points for User: 5,697
  • Per day: 4,974
  • Socialgroups: 300
  • Friends: 72
  • Visitormessages: 63
  • Albumpictures: 48
  • Filled profile: 240
Points for threads
  • Points for threads: 299
  • Threads: 90
  • Social Group Discussions: 25
  • Tags: 13
  • Replies: 19
  • Views: 152
Points for posts
  • Points for Posts: 249
  • Posts: 106
  • Social Group Messages: 35
  • Attachments: 18
  • Average Posts per Day: 0.02
  • Helpful Answers: 90
Points for miscellaneous
  • Points for Misc: 12
  • vBulletin Blog: 12

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