Thank you so much!
that makes a lot of sense, but I just wish I could believe 110% like I used to. I'm guessing, however, that that's part of growing up, and that every religios person has had their doubts or gotten their faith hurt. Is that probably correct? But it's just the people who get back up and stick through it that become stronger through God?
Anyway, I'm really worried now. I cry myself to sleep every night just praying to God to help me and give me a sign. Well today, this girl who never talks to me and always avoids me started talking to me. Well I talked to her first. But that's not the point...the point is, we became friends and I've been praying for that to happen for a long time. What do you think? Life coincidence or God given miracle? Also, my dad has seen messages from God, seen demons, and miracles have happened to him. And me too. But they're weird...I can explain them all, but only if you want, because I'll probably ramble myself xD
So...if I keep half you think God will come through for me and I'll believe again? It's scary, because I keep running it through in my head, "I have no one to talk to...not my mom no friends not anyone...except God...the God that I'm challenging even exists." And then I feel guilty about even questioning that, and then I hate myself, and then I'll just cry...
Anyways, thanks again,
And lol yes I did see that