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Junior TeenHelper

CitizenErased Offline

Erase all the memories

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 204
  1. blumemusik♫
    January 10th 2012 08:58 PM - permalink
    I do love pasta But cake wins. Every. Time. Every. Single. Time. I love cake.

    I reckon I got at least an A, but that's all I want really :') Gerbera daisies are lovely

    I'm actually quite interested in teaching I'd love to teach music or physics :3

    Yeah, you spell properly, and use punctuation and shiz JINGLE JINGLE JINGLE!

    Yeah, they're doctors. Dad's an anaesthetist, and mum works in a & e, but mum also does law stuff. If someone wants to apply for disability allowance, they have to go through my mum first >:-3

    I love your messages, they make me smile <3
  2. blumemusik♫
    January 10th 2012 08:03 PM - permalink
    Nooooooooooooooooooooooo I just typed out a HUGE reply, and for some STUPID reason it didn't work
    Oh sad times. Here goes again.

    My favourite piece of minimalistic music is 4"33' by John Cage It's about the only piece I can stand. Although this one take HUGE skill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKXy1FPTdvg I was like... adiulfheruikwereula WOW o.o Speaking of which, guess what piece my piano teacher has just given me to learn? CLAIR DE LUNE! Omg. It's my favourite piece ever, Debussy was... omg amazing. (There you go - the extent of my music nerdness.)

    I'm sure Exeter isn't THAT boring! What do you do in your free time? Are there shops and stuff there? :') It is cool living so close to Liverpool, because it has an amazing shopping centre I did all my Christmas shopping there and stuff It's a bit of a boring bubble, not crazy :P Sims 3 is awesome So is Sky. You should persuade them harder

    It's a long story about the DSes but it's basically one for each of us kids I only go on my DS (the lite :P) and the Wii, but the Xbox was a 'joint' Christmas present (which my brothers have practically stolen) so I go on Just Dance :3

    Pharmacology is fascinating!! I'd like Brian Cox's book, he's awesome STALKER!! What does your dad do now? And what did your mum study? My mum and dad both went to Liverpool University to do medicine, and they're both pretty clever and therefore high up in their hospitals, hence the hundreds of games consoles

    You aren't a fail!! You're awesome <3 I know you'll do AMAZINGLY once you're properly better I can tell you're really intelligent, just by the way you type!! Plus your mature-stalker-music-nerd-ness You're so lucky spending a year in Thailand!! That's amazing Daffodils are cool (and yellow, which makes them 100000000x more awesome!) but my favourite flower would have to be gebera daisies, they're so pretty

    Thanks for the luck, I think it helped The exam went well I hope!!

    Random question tiiime (we should totes make a jingle for 'random question time' :')) - What is your all-time favourite food? (Other than pizza and pancakes of course!!) <33
  3. Palmolive
    January 9th 2012 11:24 PM - permalink
    I've missed you too Im glad you're back around
  4. blumemusik♫
    January 9th 2012 10:34 PM - permalink
    Jut saw on Facebook "Aidan likes minimalism."
    No, Aidan. No.

    PS - I now own the first page of your wall our messages are huuuuuge! sorry, I'll stop spamming you now <33
  5. blumemusik♫
    January 9th 2012 09:23 PM - permalink
    PS - I believe you meant 'mature stalker music nerds' <3
  6. blumemusik♫
    January 9th 2012 09:17 PM - permalink
    I'm Sky-plussing the science program haha. Don't know how I survived before Sky plus was invented!! It's one of my favourite things :')
    The Higgs-Boson particle is.. well, I'm not entirely sure actually, which is why I want to watch the program :P I THINK it's the 'God particle' which is basically the particle which gives everything mass I guess I'll find out I have an English exam tomorrow morning, so I'll actually go to bed soon haha, so I'll watch the program tomorrow
    I only call it Scouseland because... Well it is. Scouse accents tend to annoy me Exeter sounds awesome!! I went to Devon once, when I was little, I just remember it was really pretty
    I live in a town called Formby (Google it :P) I live right on the beach. It's actually an amazing place. I live a 3 minute walk from my school, and my school field has a gate at the bottom which leads into the sand dunes which leads to the beach There are pinewoods as well It's really nice to walk the dog there. It's a small town, like we live in a bubble. Everyone knows everyone else, me and my friends joke it's incestual :') Everyone grows up, moves away, and then moves back. So yeah, it's nice We're about 15 minutes on the train to a place called Southport, which is a bit of a seaside holiday resort. It's where I often go just to go shopping or whatever. It's like a big town sort of? Then we're 30 minutes away from Liverpool, where I go quite often with friends too, and is of course, the capital of Scouseland.
    Sims 3 is actually pretty similar to Sims 2, idea-wise, but with slightly better graphics and different controls. Plus, you can control the entire town rather than just one household I've never really been one for blogs, but I like forums In our family we have a Wii, PS2, Xbox 360, a DS lite, DSi and 3DS. So we're a little spoilt :/ It's mainly for my brothers though, I don't use them much!
    Do you read much? I love books. I could spend hoouuuuurs reading I read pretty much anything.
    I like farmhouse pizza haha (ham and mushroom.) I have this thing for mushrooms. I just love them. I have mushrooms with EVERYTHING :')
    Ahh, new pianos are cool I'd like piano music, sciencey books, and a sims expansion pack :') I'm rubbish at asking for presents!!
    How did you know I want to go to Oxford.... :O Haha, that's amazing, it's been my dream for ages to go to Oxford and study physics, but that's changing slightly, because the idea of doing music has been growing on me huuugely.
    Singapore looks lovely, I want to go there at some point Did I read you grew up in Thailand? What was that like? How long were you there for? Haha, so many questions, sorry!
    One last one, for old time's sake... Do you have a favourite flower? <3
  7. blumemusik♫
    January 9th 2012 08:36 PM - permalink
    Woooo we are in a league of our own haha, so mature
    Yessss Sefton is a county in the north west haha. I don't imagine you would have heard of it, we're a bit quiet Surprisingly though, I know of 2 other TH users who live here, and one who's been here on holiday
    Yeah, I got an A* in Biology, and an A in RE That's all now. I guess it's a good thing - I know which subjects to focus on (History and Chemistry!) Speaking of history, I'm halfway through, and I'm trying to get it done ASAP because there's a program on telly at 9 about the Higgs-Boson particle which I'm desperate to see! *cough cough nerd cough*
    I added you :3
    Haha, people actually wouldn't bat an eye here if I went out in slippers. Scouseland is quite a scary place - full of orange girls going to the shops in pyjamas and slippers, with rollers in their hair, and of course, scousebrows painted on. We're attractive.... *bleh*
    I looooooooove sims I never played on Sims 1, but I played on Sims 2 for ages, and then I got Sims 3 for my birthday last year I love it haha, I want an expansion pack for my birthday this year :') Only problem is I don't get time to play it anymore
    What's your favourite pizza topping?
    And what do you want for your birthday?
    I realise that's two random questions, but they were both floating around in my brain :')
    If I could live anywhere.... Actually, I quite like where I live now! It's a lovely area. I'd like to live in London. I'd also like to live in Florida, and Germany. Plus, I want to own a house in Australia, so I can live there during our winter, so it can always be summer I love summer, but don't like winter, so yeah Hopefully, I'll be rich when I'm older You? <3
  8. blumemusik♫
    January 9th 2012 08:11 PM - permalink
    I don't even know where I got it! I just randomly found it... Yeah
    Honestly, my music teacher, and the other music teacher, and the current student teacher, and two sixth formers, and me all live in the Music block. I spend most of my lunchtimes there :') We're like best friends... haha, I don't care that I'm really good friends with my teachers. I just seem more on their level haha
    House names are strange. The only one of ours which makes sense is 'Sefton', because that's our county :')
    I like 90210, it's quite girly I suppose :P And yeah, I'm excited to watch 500 Days of Summer
    Yes, you put Year comma How is she finding GSCEs and the like?
    Yessss I have facebook, I added you
    I like Converse haha, I have two pairs, and they're the only shoes I wear. I usually wish it was socially acceptable to wear slippers in public. I got these amazing slippers which are like boots for Christmas and I just want to wear them everywherrre Then again, I do live near Scouseland, so it wouldn't be that bad :') I'm good at random :P
    Errrrr, probably piano. I just love it. It's SUCH a versatile instrument and it sounds so lovely and ldiuashlriufyhasliudj if I could spend my whole life playing the piano, I would. But I have this stupid history homework due in tomorrow :')
    Haha, reading that list of what we've talked about, it really is random! I think I know more about you than I do most of my real-life friends!
    Random question tiiiiiiiiiime... Do you play Sims? <3
  9. blumemusik♫
    January 9th 2012 06:40 PM - permalink

    I'm spamming your wall, but whatevs. SMILE <3
  10. blumemusik♫
    January 9th 2012 05:56 PM - permalink
    Haha, was worried then
    She just doesn't know who I am!! Like, usually (not being big-headed)the teachers remember my name at least because... Well, I'm a good person to remember Especially the science and music departments, because I practically live in them. But my Biology teacher... At parents evening last year she needed my book with her, and said "Right, so who's this?" and I was just like nyehhhhh
    And yeah, I lurrrrrve me some maths
    We have houses Blundell, Derby, Sefton and Weld. I'm in Blundell, and our colour is blue It's okay, you're forgiven I've heard of it, but never watched it. My favourite TV show is probably something 'rubbish' like Waterloo Road or 90210 I like girly teenagery rubbish
    It's the same with films. I LOVE chick flicks and romantic comedies, so I don't actually have a favourite I sky-plussed (500) Days of Summer the other day, looking forward to watching it Yours?
    What year is your sister in? Year comma? :P
    I get on okay with him, he's a bit annoying sometimes. I get on better with my other brother who's in Year 5, coz he's adorable He's the one in my profile picture with me I understand, Year 7 was cool. Felt all big and grown up
    What type of shoes do you wear? <3

About Me

  • Basics
    Devon, UK
  • About
    About me
    I'm Aidan. I'm not exactly average. I enjoy being myself, but life seems to have it in for me sometimes :/ Everything emotion a normal person feels, I feel 10x stronger. I love watching films, but going to watch them in the cinema scares me to death for very complicated reasons.

    The future is my greatest fear. I hope to follow my dreams to perform music alongside a nursing career.

    I see beauty is almost everything, but I find perfection painfully upsetting. Perfect doesn't exist, imperfection is what makes us beautiful.

    I self-medicate with regular doses of human connection, by talking.

    I love talking and I love Teen Help. I used to be a HelpLINK Mentor and various other things last year, before my whole world blew up. Hopefully I can return to that at some point in the near future :)

    See you around!
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help, be helped and make friends :)
    Relationship status
    Sixth form / college (UK)
    I serve chicken.
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Watching the world from a distance, writing music, falling in loveee.
    Muse, Radiohead, Knife Party, Pendulum, Skrillex, Rise Against, My Chemical Romance, Coldplay, Keane, McFly! Green Day, Elbow, Avenged Sevenfold, Gorrilaz, Thom Yorke, Biffy Clyro.
    The Bourne Trilogy, 21, Eagle Eye, Ocean's 12, Big Fish, Casino Royale, Inception.
    House, Skins, Mock The Week
    My Uncle Richard, Matt Bellamy, my friends Dad Malcolm, Thom Yorke, Steve Jobs, Savealife723 <3
    Favorite quotes
    "Wash me away
    Clean your body of me
    Erase all the memories
    They will only bring us pain
    And I've seen all I'll ever need"
    - Matt Bellamy in Citizen Erased by Muse

    "I'm just a girl. I'm not your typical girl though. I'm different and I'm starting to enjoy every second of it. Don't ever think you know me, because I'm full of surprises and secrets." - Savealife723

    "Meanwhile, down in the town, the Happyfolk slept restlessly,their dreams invaded by shadowy figures digging away at their souls.
    Every day, people would wake and stare at the mountain. Why was it bringing darkness into their lives?
    And then came a sound. Distant first, it grew into castrophany so immense it could be heard far away in space.
    There were no screams. There was no time.
    The mountain called Monkey had spoken.
    There was only fire.
    And then, nothing." - Fire Coming Out of The Monkeys Head - Gorillaz
    Other interests
    Listening, talking
  • Signature
    HelpLINK Mentor:

    LiveHelp Operator

    Wash me away
    Clean your body of me
    Erase all the memories
    They will only bring us pain
    And I've seen all I'll ever need


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