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Welcome me, I'm new!

Cheerio Offline

Live life to the FULLEST!

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 74
  1. ShAtTerEd HeaRt
    October 30th 2009 02:02 AM - permalink
    ShAtTerEd HeaRt
    Ive bene good hey i neeed SERIOUS HELP, okay so its going to be haloween right?/?

    well okay so i decided im going to go as a grandma, and i just need help here.
    i have 11 cuts on my right leg, and cuts on my right arm, and this is the problem: If im going to fdress up as a grandma, my mom is going to the good will to find me some stuff but what if she comes home with skirts that are higher than your knee?!

    and also, she may find me a short sleeved shirt and a sweater to go with it but i have cuts on my arms and i dont want her to know!!!
    cud you give me any advise that wud help cover em up than clothes???
    i reeeeeeealy need help haloween is in 2 days ):
  2. ShAtTerEd HeaRt
    October 24th 2009 09:58 PM - permalink
    ShAtTerEd HeaRt
    Oh yeah now i get it (: i wasnt able to ask anybody that was ovet there cuz we stayed home the whole intire day and my family was busy ): oh well ("
  3. Larrinda
    October 20th 2009 02:29 AM - permalink
    No they all made their own decisions and told me that they were not wanting to talk to you before i told you i didnt...

    So you dont have it straight!

    Plus do you a pretty good job doing that on your own...
  4. Larrinda
    October 12th 2009 04:38 AM - permalink
    Brittany Pugh.
    We are officially not "cool" so dont talk to me.
    I thought I would let you know so that you know not to even waste your time because I will smirk and walk away...
    You promised dude. Your wack. Everyone told me I cant really be mad until you started fucking up friendships for a guy and youuuuuu are.
    I told you what like a week ago that you being stupid about this so called relationship your in.
    Its all okay though because you will see.
    And until then...I wont talk to you.
    Neither will Julia or Vivian or Vanessa.
    Chicks BEFORE dicks dude!!!
  5. ShAtTerEd HeaRt
    October 8th 2009 12:52 AM - permalink
    ShAtTerEd HeaRt
    Oh hey so sorry i didnt email you back on the last one! I still remember what you asked me though (:
    Ill haft to think about what i would do in walmart for a week so, yeah!
    haha! Hey when you mean WWU do you mean WaHi? what are you gonna be doing there?
  6. Cheerio
    October 1st 2009 06:53 PM - permalink
    lol yea well not everyone knows what it is lol
  7. .Sarah.
    October 1st 2009 12:30 PM - permalink
    I have no idea what any of those tests are.
    But I'm sure you did okay in the test you did yesterday.
  8. .Sarah.
    September 30th 2009 09:54 AM - permalink
    What does the testing involve exactly? Sorry, I'm being nosey. Just ignore that question if you want.
  9. .Sarah.
    September 29th 2009 06:08 AM - permalink
    It's going okay, thank you.
    What are you up to today?
  10. tortured soul
    September 28th 2009 07:11 PM - permalink
    tortured soul
    I'm pretty good. Working hard to get my car all set with all the body work in shop.

About Me

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  • About
    About me
    So i love dogs!
    My world revolves around music and friends.
    I am single... sadly... all I can think about is him... I wish I could move on... I mean I did break up with him. Not the other way around.

    My life is great.
    I fake a smile on days im not ok and smile on days i am ok.
    people don't really know that im easily depressed nor that i can easily fall into a E.D. I have but i also am trying to get out of it.
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    Single sadly,,, just looking for something better... its hard to find.
    White and Indian! But I should be Hispanic... I just know. LOL
    High School
    Daycare Teacher and Teachers Aid. Now a Shallow Water Lifeguard at Wildwaves Theme Park!
    Christian- Seventh-Day Adventist
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Writing.. (im deep)
    Watchin movies
    I love all music.
    Music is my life!!!
    I love love love
    Fast and the Furious the new one
    John Tucker must Die!
    Heroes (yay season 2!)
    csi miami
    csi newyork
    csi las vegas
    ummm... no thanx

    well actually i love Nancy Drew games.
    oh yea and sims thats an amazing game lol love it too
    put it infront of me and ill read it... unless it has a crappy cover

    ok so we just had to read geoffery chaucer and i don't really like him. i mean hes cool and all and his stories are pretty good i just don't really care for the old english language. it makes me want to sleep
    love football go Seahawks! woot woot
    love baseball go Redsox

    oh yea and my school team i love them too even if we arent that great.... go lady falcons
    Super man! god hes sexxy
    Favorite quotes
    Live for today and Dream about tomorrow.
    i decided thats my motto
    i made it myself
  • Signature
    It's funny how day by day nothing changes, but after a while when you look back- Everything is different.

    I love you today as I have from the start and I'll love you FOREVER with all of my heart.


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  • Join Date: September 10th 2009
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