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Average Joe

Care-o-Bear Offline

I <3 him! :)

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
  1. JC!
    January 13th 2011 12:16 AM - permalink
    So this is random but I was scrolling through the "Say something you wish you could say to their face" thread an seen you said on 7th Jan 2009 "Tyler, I really like you and I'd like to go out with you but I'm afraid of rejection and that you won't want to be my friend anymore if I like you and you don't like me back." Yet your signature is that you and Tyler have been going out for 2 yrs and a day! That is so cute and gives me hope!
    Just had to share with you!
  2. screamincharlie
    September 30th 2009 12:15 AM - permalink
    A very belated thank you
  3. TheTurtle
    June 28th 2009 09:13 AM - permalink
    thanks! I was here before, I just seem to have lost my old username! I think turtles are cute, it was in my old name too. It's been a while, it's good to be back here!
    Thanks for the welcome!
  4. Ellie
    May 22nd 2009 10:30 AM - permalink
    Lol, I miss those programmes. I used to have a Care Bears film until our video player decided to chew it up. Sad times.
    Glad you're good! I'm not so bad either. Just stressed with all this revision I'm supposed to be doing, and it doesn't help that I don't know where to start and my motivation seems to have gone walk-a-bouts!!
  5. Ellie
    May 22nd 2009 12:19 AM - permalink
    Hey Caroline!
    Your username reminds me of the Care Bears. I used to love them! End of random fact
    How are you?
  6. Redeemer
    May 7th 2009 03:54 PM - permalink
    Hey! Thanks so much, I've been offline for ages! :S
  7. imamazingg
    April 24th 2009 01:12 AM - permalink
    Thank you for you input
    It reallly helped me.
  8. losing touch.
    April 21st 2009 04:11 PM - permalink
    losing touch.
    oh english literature is the worst.. so much reading, does my head in. i just did an RS practise paper, kinda boring.. but got my RS exam in a few weeks so gotta get revising lol. :P x
  9. losing touch.
    April 20th 2009 12:39 PM - permalink
    losing touch.
    aw good thats great to hear. && i'm doing pretty well thanks!! just have loads of revision and school stuff that im meant to have done which i haven't even started yet lol. oops. x
  10. losing touch.
    March 26th 2009 10:22 AM - permalink
    losing touch.
    aww. well i hope he's on the mend! I'm not too bad at all thankss. just got back from doing a bit of shoppingg. x

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    Asexual, either hetero, bi, or pan romantic
    Sophomore in High School
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  • Last Activity: March 14th 2010 11:22 PM
  • Join Date: January 5th 2009
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Latest Blog Entry

Posted May 17th 2009 at 07:36 AM by Care-o-Bear Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
I'm at a good place about my sexuality right now. I can't think about it too much or I do get worried and upset. So I'm trying not to think about it. For my own sake, I think I'm gonna stay out of the LGBT forum for a while. And try not to think about it too much because it doesn't matter right now.

Posted April 28th 2009 at 05:13 AM by Care-o-Bear Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
To Catie (a girl who sits at the lunch table with Tyler and I that said "Woah, it actually talked!" when I was having a conversation with Tyler's friend Meg, a really nice girl):
You are a total bitch. Seriously. I have a name. I'm not just "Tyler's girlfriend." I'm a she, not an "it." What you said to me the other day was the meanest thing I've heard in a long, long time. So what if I don't talk much? I am me and a fairly quiet person. Not everyone can be loud...

Posted April 14th 2009 at 07:58 AM by Care-o-Bear Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
Tyler and I had a fight earlier over google chat. I think mostly we were misunderstanding what the other wanted to talk about. So I ended up crying and feeling like he didn't care (in the end I realized I wasn't really specifying what I wanted to go back and talk about). So I was upset and we were arguing over some little, unimportant thing which I thought was his fault and he thought was mine. In reality we were both trying not to argue about it and to talk about what we wanted to, but both of...

Posted April 13th 2009 at 06:21 AM by Care-o-Bear Comments 3
Posted in Uncategorized
Just a quick, cute story. Tyler and I sat in the back of the movie theater his dad and bro went to with us. I was leaning against his left side and when we got home, he said that side of his jacket smelled like me. So he asked me to wear his jacket for a couple days. I thought that's really cute and sweet and romantic. The thing is, too, that I don't wear perfume or body spray or anything. The only scent other than my natural one would be possibly my shampoo but I doubt that cause it doesn't...

Posted April 12th 2009 at 09:21 PM by Care-o-Bear Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
Wrote this yesterday:
Today, it's been 3 months since Tyler asked me out. We could be at about 3 1/2 months, but we were both so shy about telling each other we liked the other person. But either way, I love my boyfriend so much. I think about him literally all the time and hate when I'm not seeing, talking to him, or texting him.
He's so supportive. Last night I had a tough night. I was at the mall with my friend, but texting him. He said he was gonna go play airsoft with his neighbors,...
Recent Comments
haha, thanks guys. lol,...
Posted April 14th 2009 at 01:39 AM by Care-o-Bear Care-o-Bear is offline
ahh whenever i need...
Posted April 13th 2009 at 06:17 PM by losing touch. losing touch. is offline
Awww, thats cute I will...
Posted April 13th 2009 at 10:13 AM by .Sarah. .Sarah. is offline
Actually, he's perfectly...
Posted April 4th 2009 at 07:36 PM by Care-o-Bear Care-o-Bear is offline
Id watch that. He sounds...
Posted March 29th 2009 at 09:42 PM by hott6pac hott6pac is offline

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