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Senior TeenHelper

CanadaCraig Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 71 to 80 of 1587
  1. Beautiful_Mess
    April 6th 2014 11:37 PM - permalink
    Hey, how are you?
  2. UndeadKilljoy
    March 7th 2014 04:12 AM - permalink
    Why yes, I did. I was sad to read that but happy that you made it through everything! You hit the nail on the head. I'm more of the "stay back and watch" kind of guy. I'm sorry to hear about that. I have attacks like that also but mine are more of the break down for hours on end going nutso. Thank you very much for the offer! I may take you up on that. Yes, I indeed do have a Facebook, PM me and I shall send you my name!
    Not sure if I did great with my response, but have a great day! (Or night)
  3. UndeadKilljoy
    March 6th 2014 07:58 PM - permalink
    We haven't talked before but I hope you're having a great day! I've seen your posts around and I love the advice you give! It's amazing what you do here! Especially to know that there are adults out there that do care about this generation!
  4. Beautiful_Mess
    March 5th 2014 07:24 AM - permalink
    Haha maybe it'll come soon!!
    and if you wanna know how I am, read the greiving and death thread..find mine and read it...then read depression and suicide..and find mine..that'll tell you how I am..
  5. Beautiful_Mess
    February 22nd 2014 05:02 AM - permalink
    How are you!?
  6. Beautiful_Mess
    February 14th 2014 10:22 PM - permalink
    I am now that my fiance called..so yeah thanks..and you're welcome!! Have a great sweethearts day!!
  7. Beautiful_Mess
    February 14th 2014 09:39 AM - permalink
  8. taylalatbh.
    February 6th 2014 11:42 PM - permalink
    Thanks Craig! I know I've seen you around here for many years and you too give great advice! It's always nice to get a compliment and giving my two cents on here is something I enjoy doing so I appreciate the feedback. Thanks again!
  9. DeletedAccount75
    February 6th 2014 10:38 PM - permalink

    Thanks for adding me to your friends list.
  10. Beautiful_Mess
    February 2nd 2014 06:01 AM - permalink
    Hi Craig, You're welcome and Yea I'm okay I guess things will get better soon. And Thanks I needed the hug

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  • Last Activity: September 12th 2022 11:23 PM
  • Join Date: January 6th 2009
  • Referrals: 1


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