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Welcome me, I'm new!

bvbfan Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. DeletedAccount17
    January 12th 2013 12:33 PM - permalink
  2. DeletedAccount17
    December 31st 2012 11:03 AM - permalink
    Thank you so much for the request!

    ~ Christabel
  3. AngelWithASecret
    November 15th 2012 07:33 PM - permalink
    I saw your username and just had to come and say that Black Veil Brides are cool! :3
  4. Wildflower ♥
    October 24th 2012 09:07 PM - permalink
    Wildflower ♥
    Hey there bvbfan! Welcome to TeenHelp! I'm Amalia, a buddy here on TH. TeenHelp is a great community and everyone here is really glad that you have decided to join. One great way to get started in this community is by posting here and letting the TH community know a little about yourself. If you need help, and aren’t sure where to start, make sure you check out the chatroom, users are there often, and are always willing to lend a hand. Another way to get help, is either LiveHelp or HelpLink which you can learn about by checking out this link. If you have any other questions, or need anything (including advice), feel free to send me a PM, which you can do by clicking here. I noticed as well that you haven’t filled out your About Me tab out. Many users do this, and it’s another great way to let other users know some things about you, such as your taste in music, hobbies, and other things as well. You can get to it by clicking on User CP, which is on the left hand side of the second menu on the top of the screen.
    One thing I enjoy doing is making graphics and such, so if you would like an avatar or banner for your signature, feel free to PM me as well. What are some of your hobbies? How are you?
    Once again, welcome! I really hope to see you around the forums and in the chat room soon


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  • bvbfan's posts have been liked or marked as helpful 1 times.
General Information
  • Last Activity: July 7th 2015 02:16 AM
  • Join Date: October 24th 2012
  • Referrals: 0


Showing Friends 1 to 2 of 2


  • Points: 7,463
  • Level: 12
  • Points: 7,463, Level: 12 Points: 7,463, Level: 12 Points: 7,463, Level: 12
  • Level up: 68%
  • Points needed: 387
  • Level up: 68% - 387 Points needed Level up: 68% Level up: 68% - 387 Points needed
Points for user
  • Points for User: 6,782
  • Per day: 6,756
  • Socialgroups: 10
  • Friends: 6
  • Filled profile: 10
Points for threads
  • Points for threads: 609
  • Threads: 220
  • Social Group Discussions: 5
  • Tags: 15
  • Replies: 26
  • Views: 343
Points for posts
  • Points for Posts: 73
  • Posts: 58
  • Social Group Messages: 5
  • Average Posts per Day: 0.01
  • Helpful Answers: 10

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