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  1. dr2005
    May 20th 2011 09:22 PM - permalink
    You're going to make me feel jealous at this rate you know. That's really good going for a car boot sale, well done! Can definitely sympathise with the not-liking-5am-starts though, worst one I had was getting up at 3am to get to a race meeting. Not good. Race itself was shit as well! Lol that is pretty priceless - a few more lessons needed perhaps! Not sure how we did, we don't get the results until next week I think (maybe later - can't remember how it was with the last audit), but all in all I think we did pretty well. Fingers crossed. Well done on your audit, these things are always pretty tough so that's good going. Am heading over to Birmingham for a BBQ some friends are hosting - haven't seen them in a while so looking forward to that - and have set myself a target of sending off two more applications so that's my weekend pretty much wiped out lol! Hope you have a good rest day on Sunday and that your other shifts have gone well.
  2. dr2005
    May 17th 2011 07:22 PM - permalink
    I'm definitely hoping it pays off - I'm going to be pretty pissed off otherwise! But yeah, fingers crossed it works out this time. Dehydration really sucks - happened to me in school once, practically looked like a ghost lol. A drip is perhaps a bit extreme though - I'd just go for a big water bottle, for one thing it means no needles! How did the car boot sale go? Legoland sounds pretty cool, don't think I've ever been there - bit too far for us Northerners lol! Life's going okay, we've got an external audit tomorrow so work has been even more manic but I think I'm getting acclimatised to it now. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing really! How have things been today?

    And yeah, McChicken sandwiches are pretty epic - I shouldn't say it really but what the hell.
  3. dr2005
    May 9th 2011 10:09 PM - permalink
    I'm getting there slowly thanks - problem with looking to go into a legal career is the forms are so bloody long and time consuming that it drives you round the bend lol! Sorry to hear you're not well but it's definitely best you take some time off in that case - collapsing at work is not something best repeated! Yeah the medication may well be playing a part if it's having those effects; at the same time it does sound like you're doing a lot generally so that's probably taking its toll as well. In any case, taking some time to stop and rest is definitely a good idea. Week's going okay so far, just about recovered from the damage I did to myself at the gym (and they say exercise is good for you lol!) so just hoping it carries on like this. Hope you feel better soon and look after yourself.
  4. dr2005
    May 8th 2011 09:17 PM - permalink
    Don't worry about it - I wasn't here for most of last week anyway and when I did get back it all went to pot so I know the feeling! Hope you're feeling a bit better about things and that things were much improved at work this weekend. Glad to hear your knee and ankle are improving as well, hope they're back to normal now. Work was manic for the two days I was in but nearly caught up so that's good - only downside is the impending aduit which is making everyone a little nervous! Spent the weekend doing applications for law firms (future career plans - I'm not being fired lol!) and trying to chill as much as possible really. How has yours been outside of work?
  5. dr2005
    April 25th 2011 09:56 PM - permalink
    Hey no worries - I got the impression you were going to be having a hectic time with work so you certainly don't need to apologise. I think you'll definitely have earned a day off after these bank holidays are out of the way! Really sorry to hear that about Saturday, can't believe people can be so petty like that. Is there anyone in management or HR that you can talk to about it? Sounds like it's best dealt with sooner rather than later, particularly if it's making you feel that bad. Oh dear...you're not having much luck with injuries are you? Hope that's at least taken care of your bad luck for the next month or so! Seriously though, hope everything heals properly and that you feel better soon. I'm back in work tomorrow for 3 days so that'll be a bit manic with helping sort out the accounts for month end - HQ actually process the accounts but we've still got to do all the inputting so I'm not sure who's got the worse end of the bargain there lol! Some people are taking the 11 days off so it may well be like the bloody Marie Celeste this week. Happy Easter to you too, hope you've had some time to enjoy it as well - and yes, I did get an Easter Egg even at the age of 23. How about you?
  6. dr2005
    April 21st 2011 10:15 PM - permalink
    That sucks about the bank hols - hopefully it'll balance out with shifts in the future though, or at least you'll get some decent overtime lol! Hope you had a good day with your best friend and that the weather was good for the picnic. Sounds like you're handling the work itself pretty well then even if there is a lot of that so that bodes well. I could try putting the phone on mute but I think they'd notice after a while! I did actually get to the point today where I had to ask someone else to take a call as I had to get something finished and my supervisor has commented that I seem to get more than my fair share of the calls - might need to have a tinker with it lol! Yeah hoping it'll be a good break - not sure the trains down will be much fun over the bank holiday weekend mind you, they're doing works all over the bloody place!
  7. dr2005
    April 19th 2011 08:34 PM - permalink
    That's really good to hear - congratulations! I know you were really in two minds about it so glad to hear you've managed to sort that one out, and hopefully with it being full time you'll get a bit more consistency with your hours and everything. Also sounds promising with the possible supervisor job in the future so will keep my fingers crossed. Don't envy you with the 7am start mind you, I'm bad enough with 8:30am starts! It's definitely turning out to be a lot of work - getting to the stage where it's quite tempting to rip the damn phone out of the wall lol! Don't think the boss would be too impressed mind you. Will actually be heading down to London for a bit - going to an event on 3rd May but also hoping to have a few days doing the whole tourist thing, catching up with friends and thinking about work as little as possible! Other than that will probably just be making the most of the bank hols and watch the royal wedding depending on how I feel about it. You got much planned?
  8. dr2005
    April 18th 2011 09:46 PM - permalink
    To be fair I think anyone's legs would be aching after 9 hours on your feet so I don't blame you for feeling knackered lol! Glad to hear things went okay at least and hope tomorrow is better again. Work was okay, going to be a bit manic as I need to somehow cram 2 weeks of work into 6 more working days - may well be tearing my hair out at some point! Taking a few days off after the end of April though so that should be good. Otherwise just ticking over as usual really. You had any more thoughts about the jobs?
  9. dr2005
    April 17th 2011 05:03 PM - permalink
    Thanks - as I said it sounds as if I'm safe but you never know with these things, and like you say it's definitely the people that make it worthwhile. Being admin on its own is pretty shit really! Yeah I've had moments like that, everything seems to become much more of a problem than it would normally be and that makes you feel worse in turn. The only thing you can do is just try to keep everything in perspective and tackle one issue (or if necessary one day) at a time. I suppose with the job the best thing to do is think about what is ultimately going to make you happiest in the long run - I know exactly what you mean about not wanting to upset people but in the end you're the one having to do the job so you need to pick which is best for you. I quit my previous job before this one despite getting on very well with the people I worked with simply because I wasn't enjoying the work anymore and it wasn't giving me enough to do while I was there or enough security. Whatever happens as long as you make the right choice for yourself that's all anyone can ask. In the meantime as it sounds like another one of those times you could use a hug:
  10. dr2005
    April 16th 2011 10:57 PM - permalink
    Hey glad to hear you had a really good break - sounded like you were keeping busy on FB. Yeah it is always hard coming back after you've been away for a while, but hopefully it's given you a boost compared with when you went away. I've been okay thanks, had some bad news as one of the admin team is being made redundant and I'm at risk as a result, but the signs are I'm being kept on. Just a bit of a bugger as I like all my colleagues and it's not nice knowing one of us is on the way out. Has sharpened my thoughts about the future shall we say! You're getting stressed already and there's still a day to go - this doesn't bode well. Hope you're able to enjoy some of your weekend and try not to get too worked up about it. That sounds like an interesting development though - is one of them the stockroom job?

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