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broken-inside Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 52
  1. Le Papillon
    December 24th 2012 03:20 AM - permalink
    Le Papillon
  2. Lottie
    February 20th 2012 12:13 AM - permalink
    Katyyyyyyyyyyy <3
  3. Sincerely Yours ♥
    January 23rd 2012 05:27 PM - permalink
    Sincerely Yours ♥
    Hey there! Happy birthday!
  4. dr2005
    August 3rd 2011 08:52 PM - permalink
    Thanks. Still looks mixed but will just have to wait and see! Yes, there is definitely more to life than work, although hopefully in future it won't require you breaking your wrist to remember that - healing process tends to get complicated after a while. Had one rejection from a firm but to be honest I wasn't feeling that confident about it anyway and it's not fazed me in the slightest so that probably says it all! Work has been pretty dull this week but only 1 day left to get through now - the end is in sight lol! How are you getting on with the puzzles?
  5. dr2005
    August 1st 2011 08:37 PM - permalink
    Hey, that sucks - at the same time best to let everything heal rather than putting it at risk, plus you did sound like you were getting a bit taken for granted so maybe others will pull their weight now! Try not to get too stressed, I know what you mean as I'm the same with work but they'll manage until you're back. Yeah, I guess puzzles are one of the things where it doesn't matter whether you have one hand or two lol! I'm okay thanks, bit of a strange week as I'm off on Friday to get ready for my brother's wedding on Saturday - all coming together now so just hoping the weather holds! How have things been with you lately?
  6. dr2005
    July 6th 2011 07:48 PM - permalink
    Hey how have things been back at work?
  7. dr2005
    July 1st 2011 09:10 PM - permalink
    Hey, I'm okay thanks - didn't get the training contract I was interviewed for but such is life lol. Am pushing on with applications and have been offered some in-depth feedback so still feeling pretty upbeat. Otherwise just busy as usual really! How about you? How's your wrist feeling?
  8. dr2005
    June 7th 2011 08:31 PM - permalink
    Turns out keeping positive was the right thing to do - had a call from them today and I'm through to the final stage! Still gobsmacked but well happy. Sounds like you definitely kept busy then but at least it was more enjoyable than work so that's a plus. Good to hear you're having fun with the Wii - my brother's got one as well and it still brings a smile to my face 3 years on (what can I say, I like gaming lol!). Can't say I've tried it as a cure for insomnia mind you but hey! Chessington sounds good - you're really taking in the theme parks at the moment aren't you? - hope you have fun and that the weather's been better than up here for it. Went to visit my bro in Manchester and watched the tennis at the weekend so fairly quiet, although they're coming down this weekend and I've got an interview for the London 2012 volunteering on Friday so this one probably won't be! How have the last few days been?
  9. dr2005
    June 3rd 2011 08:36 PM - permalink
    It went okay I think - was certainly as prepared for it as I could have been and don't think I made any massive howlers which always helps lol. Just got to see if what I did was what they were looking for - if so then great, if not then on to the next one. Will find out in a week either way. 12 and a half hours sounds intense to put it mildly, particularly on a shop floor - don't blame you for feeling rough after that. Make sure you look after yourself and give yourself time to recover - I've done the whole running-yourself-into-the-ground thing and it doesn't get better with practice believe me! Hope you have a more relaxing weekend and here's a hug for good measure:
  10. dr2005
    May 31st 2011 10:12 PM - permalink
    Hey don't worry about it - sounded like you were going to be stupidly busy with work and I've had my fair share of Internet problems in the past so know the feeling! Things have been okay thanks, big news was getting past my telephone interview as you saw on FB - only problem now is I've got an assessment centre this Thursday down in London as a result of it which doesn't exactly leave long to prepare for it! Am hoping I wake up on the right side of bed that day lol. How have things been with you? Hope things at work are improving.

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