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Welcome me, I'm new!

BlueEyedBeauty Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 28 of 28
  1. escape_thereal_world
    March 16th 2009 04:29 AM - permalink
    Um, about 2 years I think
  2. Minerva McGonagall
    March 7th 2009 02:12 PM - permalink
    Minerva McGonagall
    Hi there, I'm Lizzi, as you can tell..
    Thanks. I love getting new avatars. =]
    I find it interesting you have the same name as my mom, lol.
  3. Briana
    March 7th 2009 01:08 PM - permalink
    Yes. I stopped watching it for a bit. Because I am not a fan of the newer episodes.
  4. xxxskittlesxxx
    March 7th 2009 08:22 AM - permalink
    thanks for the add!
    i just read your "about me" bit and i saw you havent cutt for 3 months! thats amazing =] it must feel brilliant! keep up the good work
  5. escape_thereal_world
    March 7th 2009 05:08 AM - permalink
    Nice to meet you Barb.
    I'm Mystery. Yes, it is a good song!
  6. Gidig
    March 7th 2009 04:34 AM - permalink
    Sorta I suppose. Haha.
  7. Gidig
    March 4th 2009 02:49 AM - permalink
    Like a bit outside Boulder.
  8. Gidig
    March 1st 2009 11:43 PM - permalink

    I saw you were new and thought I'd stop by and welcome you. =)
    I love your avatar!
    I'm glad you posted in our self harm forum to get some help. We're always here any time you need us.

    You're from Colorado?! That's amazing! I'm from Colorado too. Even though I'm going to get out of here the second I'm able to go to college . Where in Colorado if you don't mind me asking?

    Also, if you haven't already stop by and say hi to us all in the Chat Room. It's a really cool place to hang out when you're bored, and we usually come up with some pretty interesting discussions.

    I hope to see you around!

About Me

  • Basics
  • About
    About me
    Hey I am Barb. I am 21, and i love helping people. I started self injuring when i was 10. I have had a lot of relapses lately. Sometimes things get really hard and i have a very strong urge. If anyone ever needs anything let me know because i have been through A LOT of stuff.
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    In a relationship
    High School
    Front Desk at a Dental Office
    i don't know politics.
    i don't have a religion
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    I love walking my dog, cooking, and hanging out with my friends.
    Papa Roach, Trapt, 3 Days Grace, Goo Goo Dolls, The Exies and lots more.
    Too many to name!
    True Blood, Desperate Houswives, Grey's Anatomy, Degrassi, Spongebob, and lots more.
    Bejeweled! I love that game. It keeps me busy for hours.
    Ellen Hopkins' books, and Stephanie Meier
    Basketball, Swimming, Football, Volleyball, and Baseball.
    My family, and friends.
    Favorite quotes
    "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing at someone else; you are the one that gets burned. " Buddha
    Other interests
    oreos with peanut butter, passion tea, blowing bubbles, taking pictures, making cakes or cookies, dancing, singing, playing rock band, guitar hero, halo 3 sometimes, lots more!!


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General Information
  • Last Activity: October 10th 2016 08:20 PM
  • Join Date: March 1st 2009
  • Referrals: 0


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 17


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