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Welcome me, I'm new!

BillieRose88 Offline

Then I defy you, stars!

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 81 to 90 of 717
  1. DeletedAccount39
    September 13th 2012 01:23 AM - permalink
    xD Maybe you did and it deleted itself? OR IT WAS WRITTEN IN INVISIBLE INK!

    Who's Billie Rose?
  2. TheQuietGirl
    September 12th 2012 02:04 PM - permalink
    That's what happened with me! Nobody knew him until Class A Team became a thing on the radio. In frustration at school, I was like "You Americans have no taste!"

    I'm honestly pretty broken-hearted that he isn't coming near where I live
  3. kayless09
    September 12th 2012 01:17 PM - permalink
    how was your day??
  4. kayless09
    September 12th 2012 01:14 PM - permalink
    that's ok i don't think i will be at school tomorrow i am really sick i have had an allgeric reaction and my blood pressure is really low i might be there on friday though
  5. Amorphous.
    September 12th 2012 01:04 PM - permalink
    Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, should I know who Kelly is? I have a bad memory, I'm sorry LOL. I was thinking "oi, new character to the story" haha . I think they really do deserve to know but... ugh, I'll PM you .
  6. DeletedAccount39
    September 12th 2012 02:19 AM - permalink
    I can't believe we weren't already friends.
  7. TheQuietGirl
    September 11th 2012 01:42 PM - permalink
    Hahaha yeah! It was a great way to find them, IMO. The next day my friends were talking about them, and I was like "..I'm a hipster!!! :OO"

    Awww, I really wish both of us could go Honestly though, I'd rather go to an Ed Sheeran concert. Just me? Ed isn't even coming *close* to where I am.
  8. rileey:D
    September 11th 2012 12:21 PM - permalink
    i cant!! theyre attached!!! :L
  9. Amorphous.
    September 11th 2012 12:02 PM - permalink
    Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oh, sorry to hear that, Claude . It's not your fault <3.

    Hahaha, it is pretty cool .


    Hey, Claude? Can I ask you a question.

    If you had to keep a lie (because you promised) but you know sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many people deserve to know and soooooooooooooooo many people are being to about something really serious, would you tell someone?

    I.E. Are you a good lie-keeper/secret-keeper?
  10. TheQuietGirl
    September 11th 2012 11:10 AM - permalink
    Awww nice! I was just wandering around youtube and found the boys, and fell for them No, none of their concerts are close enough yet They are coming somewhere near me next Summer, but I have my sister's wedding in Cancuun a few days after.


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