LOL, totally. When me and Ellie were talking heaps and heaps, whenever we left each other, we would always come back three days later and talk to each other then. We called it the "three day rule". Then she goes to me, no three day rule, one day is fine haha
. So whenever WE leave each other, always come back after one day LOL. Sweet?
I know you did
Oh no, sorry to hear that, Claude. You have got school tomorrow, you should defs take a break, school takes a lot of energy out of you and it can make a sickness way worse, I know this from personal experience. Tea will definitely help with the weather, it'll warm you up, even if it doesn't help with the illness
Do you know what it is, though?
Hahaha, glad to hear that the hug did you some good LOL.
. I think I might need one myself
The Youtube video isn't up yet, it is finished. I actually have it on my school computer and I have watched it a couple of times. It is done and it is awesome, I just have to find the time to upload it, soon.
. The background song is Snow Patrol's Open Your Eyes