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Average Joe

Bem Offline

Hurricane eyes.

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 26
  1. CrusadingAvenger
    November 14th 2013 11:02 PM - permalink
    :') Nice to see that we agree on something. Yeah, it was a shame I couldn't do it with people, but it was good for what it was. You're welcome. c: Well, if you haven't already checked it out, I wrote about it last night so feel free to read through it. Thank you for that Bem.
  2. CrusadingAvenger
    November 14th 2013 02:49 AM - permalink
    Hey, you know what: no worries, but thanks for apologizing. Are you kidding me?! Batman is amazing times infinity, haha. No, really, he is. Basically dressed up in my Batman costume at school and did a performance up on the stage at school (the video of that is up on Youtube in case you're interested, and I posted the link in the Chit-Chat thread on here). Later on after school, I switched to my Michael Myers costume and scared the heck out of the people that were still there after school. After that, I went to the outlets and did some scaring pretty much everywhere around the stores. I basically continued scaring people until it was nighttime. It would've been a lot more fun with friends, but I had no to go with that night, so I went out on my own..but it was still fun. Alright, well, I hope you do continue to get better and find your way in the long run. c: It's not an issue anymore since I just decided to let it go because pretty much my friendship ended with this girl. Long story, but I'll probably write about it in my blog.
  3. CrusadingAvenger
    November 12th 2013 11:49 PM - permalink
    I was wondering if I'd ever hear back from you, but better late than never. That's cool, and I second that statement about Batman. Oh man, Halloween was really great, but it could've been better. You're welcome. C: You think you're doing a bit better? Well, at least you're making somewhat progress. I've been doing pretty good lately, but I've been dealing with a friend issue..
  4. CrusadingAvenger
    October 9th 2013 12:12 AM - permalink
    Haha, you're welcome. Oooh...alright, never mind; no comment. Well, again thanks; it means a lot. Haha, some people have already suggested I make myself a bullet-proof suit, actual working weapons, and a Batmobile. Go figure, haha. Are you kidding me? In my opinion, Batman already breaks my scale of awesomeness, and I can relate to him so much actually. That's cool, and that's one of the many reasons why he's my favorite superhero of all time. I'm sorry to hear that you've been suicidal lately, but what you're feeling is only temporary. Those feelings will change; just be patient and give it time to do so. Alright, that's fine, but I'm just letting you know that you can always talk to me if you need to. You're not alone.
  5. CrusadingAvenger
    October 7th 2013 12:58 AM - permalink
    No apology needed, but I'm appreciative of the sincerity. What have you been doing outside the house? Thank you very much for the compliment. I'm very pleased with the final result as it took a lot of hours and effort, as well as going through three different stages of the costume over the course of the few years that passed by. That's cool. You should go for it. If you do so, let me know and show me what it looks like so I can give it a batrating. Batman has been my all-time favorite ever since I was 4, so that's why I'm such a hardcore fan of him. Indeed I am perceptive. Sorry to hear that things are complicated right now, but it's good to hear that they've been getting better. Mind telling me why things are complicated?
  6. CrusadingAvenger
    October 5th 2013 12:15 AM - permalink
    Ghee, thanks a lot for not doing so...just kidding, haha. It's alright. I'm guessing you don't go on this website that often because of other things going on in your life? Things have been great! I'm really looking forward to Halloween, and I just fully updated my Batman costume today. I got to tell you: it just looked very awesome. Okay? Are you sure you're just okay? I'm sensing that something is going on with you. Or am I wrong? You're welcome by the way.
  7. CrusadingAvenger
    September 16th 2013 12:46 AM - permalink
    Aw it's okay. Things have been pretty challenging socially, but I'm doing good. You're welcome, and who can tell right? Haha. How have you been doing?
  8. CrusadingAvenger
    September 1st 2013 03:06 AM - permalink
    Yeah, it would be, but it's just a shame that my grandma won't change her attitude as she's been like that majority of her life. Anyways, moving right along, SAT is more like an IQ test that tests you on reading, writing, and math; the SAT subject test tests you on more than just the reading, writing, and math; the ACT I think tests you on all standard subjects like history and science.
  9. CrusadingAvenger
    August 25th 2013 09:53 PM - permalink
    For the time being that is, but at least it's not to the point where it gets to a very serious problem. Anyways, here in America, we have three types of tests: the SAT, SAT Subject test, and ACT. Those tests determine which university you can apply to depending on how well you score on one of them (you only have to take one of the three). However, if you plan on going to community college, you don't have to take one of those tests, but if you plan on transferring to a university after that, then you have to take it.
  10. CrusadingAvenger
    August 24th 2013 10:59 PM - permalink
    Yeah, it is, and quite frankly, it's been working for the most part, but everything is settled for now. So I see. I've never heard of that kind of thing tbh, but I think over here where I am, we have something similar like that.

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  • Basics
    UK, the England bit.
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    getting and giving help, meeting people who understand.
    Relationship status
    Single and confused.
    Somewhere between straight, bi and pan, but hey, I don't like labels.
    Indian, but I pass for European.
    Secondary School
    Full-time daydreamer.
    Very liberal
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    writing, reading, drawing, skiing, yoga, organising things in colour order.
    Oh God, there's a lot of this. I listen to everything from screamo to folk, from Hadouken to Paul Simon, from Breaking Benjamin to The Lumineers. If I get time, I'll make a proper list.
    Submarine, Mr Nobody, Hard Candy, Roman Holiday, Sky High, Daredevil, The Avengers (and the other Marvel films)
    HIMYM, The Big Bang theory, Community, Sherlock, Adventure Time, Doctor Who, Scrubs, whatever's on that isn't trying to sell me something.
    Favorite quotes
    'Maybe our favourites quotes say more about us than the people we're quoting.'

    'This too shall pass.'

    'If I make friends of my enemies, am I not destroying them?'

    'The best way out is through.'

    'Not all those who wander are lost.'
    Other interests
    How things work, from minds to machinery, and why people lie.
  • Signature
    I'm perfectly normal; it's the rest of the world that's insane.

    "He offered her the world."

    "She said she had her own."


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