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Welcome me, I'm new!

BelieveInMiracles Offline

Never Change ♥

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. Eternal
    October 14th 2011 04:14 AM - permalink
  2. Evanesco
    October 13th 2011 09:21 PM - permalink
  3. Sincerely Yours ♥
    October 13th 2011 03:34 PM - permalink
    Sincerely Yours ♥
    Hi there! Hope you're having a happy birthday!
  4. Liz94
    June 20th 2011 11:00 PM - permalink
    Welcome to teenhelp. It is a great family with people happy to help whatever the problem or question.
    I am Liz and I live in the chat room The chat room is a great place to make really good friends on here.

    So that more people know that you are on here write an introduction about yourself in the arrivals and departures forum

    Hope you find all the support you are seeking.
    BTW found your about me inspriring
    So yh...hopefully I will see you around
    Liz X
  5. CanadaCraig
    June 20th 2011 10:41 PM - permalink
    Hi BelieveInMiracles!!


    You may not know it yet - but you have found a SAFE PLACE to just be yourself.

    No one here will make fun of you OR make you feel 'less than'.

    As far as we are concerned...

    You have just become a part of the TeenHelp FAMILY!!

    Feel free to post messages [Asking for help with a problem] OR post a message in response to someone else who is having a problem. That's how TeenHelp works. We are here for each other. OR you can just read some of the messages for now - if that's what you want to do. And when you are ready - you can introduce yourself [If you like] by posting a message in the 'arrivals and departures' forum by clicking on THIS!

    Don't worry about how your message sounds. Don't even worry about spelling mistakes or anything else. Just say 'hi' and let us know a little bit about you. This place is called 'TeenHELP'. It's not called 'TeenJUDGE'!!

    Be sure to take advantage of all of the great features found on TeenHelp!!

    If you are not sure how to do things - you can click on the 'FAQ' link. And if you have an urgent request for some help - feel free to click the 'Live Help' link. That's where someone will help you RIGHT NOW!! IF the word 'offline' is underneath 'Live Help' you can post a message by clicking 'HelpLINK'! Usually within a day or two - someone will respond to your message. Sometimes even sooner than that. Most people just post a message on one of the 'Support Forums' however. But you do what feels best. Do whatever makes YOU feel most comfortable!!

    We are glad you're here!!

    GBH - Craig!!

About Me

  • Basics
  • About
    About me
    I've spent a few hard years trying to find who I really am. I've been every sort of person you can imagine, I gone though a lot of issues....but I'm okay now. I am myself. (:

    I am okay with not liking what it's normal to, I am okay with not wearing what everyone does, I am okay with being me. To anyone reading this it's completely fine to be yourself. I was afraid no one would like me, but people still do. Don't worry, you'll be fine!

    ~You're Lucky Enough To Be Different; Never Change ♥ ~
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    High School
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Taylor Swift ♥

    You may not like her but she is my idol! I'm not quite obsessive scream fan, but I'm close (:
    My Neighbour Totoro ♥
    Friends and 24 ♥
    The Hunger Games!
  • Signature
    ~ ♥ You're Lucky Enough To Be Different; Never Change ♥ ~


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
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General Information
  • Last Activity: November 10th 2011 07:23 PM
  • Join Date: June 20th 2011
  • Referrals: 0


Showing Friends 1 to 1 of 1


  • Points: 8,162
  • Level: 13
  • Points: 8,162, Level: 13 Points: 8,162, Level: 13 Points: 8,162, Level: 13
  • Level up: 24%
  • Points needed: 988
  • Level up: 24% - 988 Points needed Level up: 24% Level up: 24% - 988 Points needed
Points for user
  • Points for User: 7,863
  • Per day: 7,740
  • Friends: 3
  • Filled profile: 120
Points for threads
  • Points for threads: 272
  • Threads: 80
  • Tags: 12
  • Replies: 8
  • Views: 172
Points for posts
  • Points for Posts: 28
  • Posts: 28

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